Chapter 12- Honouring the deal(part 2)

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"What did you do to the poor girl?"
"I didn't do anything!"

What's going on?

I slowly opened my eyes, everything was blurry for second before I could finally make out to two people kneeling down beside me, looking relieved and worried

"Crystal! Thank goodness you're awake," Daniel said, running a hand through his messed up hair.

"What happened?" I asked, confused.

"You don't remember?" The woman beside him spoke. Who's this?

"What do you mean? What ha-" I cut myself off, as I looked around and suddenly remembered where I was and why I fainted. I turned to Daniel,

"You!" I said, angrily. Daniel gulped,

"Well at least you remember," He said before turning to the woman, who I have yet to know the name of, and asked her to give us a minute.

"Of course, but you better sort this out," She warned, Daniel nodded as she walked away

"Okay Crystal, I really am sorry that I signed you up for this without asking you first but I did it for a good reason." He said, looking at me with pleading eyes. I closed my eyes and counted to 10 before opening them again

"Explain," I said, calmly.

"Okay so I got a call from my cousin, a couple days ago, and she was telling me that the diner has been lacking service recently and its going to shut down if she doesn't get more customers. In order for people to come back, she needed a new performer. I really didn't want the diner to get shut down, because she loves it and so do I. So when you told me that part of the reason you don't perform is because people are so fake, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get you a place to do what you love and the diner will still be open," he explained, all in one breath.

I slowly processed the information before standing up. Daniel looked at me, his brown eyes still pleading. I took a deep breath before speaking,

"I'll do it," I said. Daniel quickly stood up, grinning

"Really?" He asked, surprised that I agreed. I nodded

"Yes, this place looks amazing and its obvious how much you guys love it. I can't let it get shut down, " I said, smiling, although I was terrified inside. Daniel hugged me tightly,

"Thank you Crystal. This means so much to me," he said. I hugged him back because I really needed the comfort.

I'm about to perform in front of an audience for the first time in my life.

"Okay hands off my girlfriend now," I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up and saw Jay, the rest of our friends right behind him. I looked at them, confused,

"How'd you guys know I was here?" I asked.

"Daniel told us that you were performing and we couldn't miss seeing it," Mark said, grinning. I gave him a small smile back.

"Yeah, I am performing aren't I?" I asked, they all nodded and I took a deep breath

"What song are you going to sing?" Cassadee asked, I shrugged

"We'll see," I answered, and she pouted at the lack of information I was giving her, I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this Crystal?" Jay asked. I nodded slightly

"I have to," I answered.

"Why?" He asked,

"I'm saving this diner from shutting down," I said. Jay sighed before pulling me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest.

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