Chapter 10- Smile at the end of the world

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I woke up light flooding through my curtains. Groaning, I turned around, hoping it would go away. All it did was shine on my back. Frustrated, I got out of bed. Walking to the bathroom, I took a quick shower, and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen, frying what looked like eggs.

"Hey mom," I said, she turned and smiled,

"Morning sweetie," she said, before turning back around to the stove.

I walked into the living room, turning on the tv to family channel, to my luck they were playing the episode of the next step, that I missed last night. I was so into the show that I didn't even notice my brother sit on the couch beside me.

"Oh my god, turn that crap off," Connor said, I turned to glare at him

"Shut up, the next step is about to perform their dance, blindfolded," I said, putting emphasis on the blindfolded. He raised his hands up in defense before motioning pulling a zipper across his lips, and throwing away the key. I rolled my eyes, turning back to the screen.

I watch them perform their dance, drawing in a sharp intake of breath each time they got close to the end of the stage. Once they were finished, I jumped up out of my seat, cheering that none of them fell off.

"Yes Noah!! That's my boy!!!" I yelled to the screen, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

"Oh would you shut up, it wasn't that impressive," Connor said, I threw him a look,

"What?" He asked.

"Go away, I don't any of this hate near me," I said, crossing my arms, he rolled his eyes,

"I'm only telling the truth," I stuck my tongue out at him, before pointing to the stairs. He rolled his eyes again but obliged, walking to the stairs, ruffling my hair on the way out. I groaned but couldn't resist letting a small smile slip. I heard his laughter before he disappeared upstairs. I continued watching my show, smiling the whole time.


"Crystal!!!" I heard my mom call. I got off the couch, walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah mom?" I asked. She looked up at me,

"Do you want to come with me to the mall?" She asked,

"For?" I pressed on, 

"Food, clothes, what else do we go to the mall for?" She told me. I rolled my eyes,

"Okay, let me go change," I said before running off upstairs. I was a pretty good and cheery mood, so I used my outfit to express that. I put on an off white knitted sweater with a white skirt with a floral print on it. I pulled on some black knee-high socks to go with it and my black combat boots. I left my hair out and put on a white bow headband. Grabbing my side purse, I stuffed my wallet, phone, lip gloss, and keys in it before dashing down the stairs.

"Mom!! I'm ready," I yell as I get down the stairs. She's standing at the door, tapping her foot impatiently,

"Jeez, you take forever," she said, letting out an exasperated sigh. I laugh slightly, before stepping past her, opening the door.

"I call driving," I said, rushing to the car and getting into the drivers seat before she can protest, she gets in the car pouting slightly.

"You know, I should be the one driving, I'm the adult," she says, I scoff.

"You sure don't act like it," I said, she only further proved my point by pouting even more. Turning on the radio, I began signing loudly to the songs coming on as I drive. When we got to the mall, we got out and I dragged my mom into stitches, because everyone needs clothes from stitches in their lives.

"Hey what about this?" My mom asks, holding up a cute black t-shirt, the back is made of a lace material and the front is made of a cotton like material. Simple but cute.

"Yeah, I like it. For you for me?" I ask, she rolls her eyes, tossing the shirt to me.

"You of course, I can't wear something like that," she says in a tone that says 'you should know this' I laugh.

"Well sorry, we'll make sure to stop by that store that sells those old lady clothes for you then, yeah?" I said, sticking my tongue out at her. She gasps,

"Did you just call your mother old?" She asks, slowly. I shrug,

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, what are you going to do about it?" I ask, teasingly. She frowns before her face lights up,

"I will ban you from watching the next step for the next two weeks," She says, smirking as my face falls slightly,

"You cannot do that, that's a crime that you will not get away with mother, I will make sure of it," I say, confidently. She laughs,

"We'll see Crystal, we'll see," She says, before walking off to find something else. I do the same.


We were driving home when I decided to bring up what Jay said last night,

"Hey mom?" I say, not taking my eyes off the road. I see her look at me from the corner of my eye,

"Yeah?" She asks, I sigh.

"Jay told me he loves me last night after the dance," I said. She grins,

"Ohh really? Did you say it back?" She asks, I shake my head,

"No, I didn't" I answer,

"Well why not?" She asks, I shrug,

"It just didn't seem right" I say, she smiles softly,

"What did he say when you didn't say it back?" She then asks, I smile at the memory,

"He said that its okay, he didn't expect me to say it back," I said, she smiles,

"Well I'm glad that you didn't say it back," she said, I glanced at her quickly, confused.

"Why?" I asked. She shrugs,

"Because if you have to question whether or not you love someone, then you probably don't," she said. I smiled,

"Thanks mom, that's good advice. I was really confused about how I felt," I said. She smiled back,

"No problem, now I have a question," she said. I nodded, signalling her to continue,

"What's up with you and Daniel?" She says, smirking. I groan.

I love my mom, don't get me wrong, but I swear she doesn't understand that Jay is my boyfriend and I refuse to have a crush on another boy while I have a boyfriend.

"Mom," I say,

"Yea?" She asks

"Please be quiet," I say, bluntly. She huffs,

"Fine," She says, crossing her arms childishly. I laugh and turn up the music, smiling and singing the songs the whole way home.

Okay I know its pretty short but I still like this chapter, and I enjoyed writing it, you know, taking a break from the guy drama. Plus, I'm a girl who really likes spending time with her family so I thought, what better way to add in a relaxing chapter then with family? So yeah, that's the chapter after so long. Please vote/comment/share and thank you for reading Awkward Love. :) <3

Video of the next step dancers in the bar above, enjoy!! :)

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