Chapter 1- New School Year

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"It's a brand new day, don't you see me. Changing on my way, so completely. This time I'm gonna sing and your gonna hear it. This time I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit. It's a brand new day. And I'm feeling good. And I'm feeling good." The words to brand new day were blasting through my phone.

"Ugh I get it, I get it," I said, my voice muffled as I reached out trying to find my phone, keeping my face in my pillow. I finally found it and turned off my alarm.

I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. Groaning I got up, grabbed my toothbrush, clothes, my towel, and my phone and walked to my bathroom. I played my favourite playlist and put it on repeat. I turned on the shower and once the water was warm I got in and started singing along.

It was around 7:00 AM when I finished showering. Stepping out I flinched when I felt the cold air on my body. I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

" Hey Crystal, are you ready for a new school year," My mom said as she put some breakfast on my plate.

"Always am mom," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I began to eat my hashbrowns, eggs, and hotdogs.

"I don't know why you hate school all of a sudden but maybe this year will be different," My mom said hopefully. I laughed,

"Yeah and maybe this year pigs will fly," I said as I inmitaded the voice of an exicided little child. My mom laughed at my voice.

"Only you Crystal, only you," My mom said, shaking her head as she laughed. I joined her laughing along as well. Just then my dad and brothers came downstairs.

"Whats so funny?" My dad asked as he and my brothers sat down at the table, my mom gave them some breakfast.

"Oh nothing, just talking about how this school year might be different," I said.

"Hmm, well it might you never know," My dad said as he ate his breakfast, my mom and brothers nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, finished my orange juice and picked up my keys.

"Yeah well like I said, when pigs fly," I said, I rinsed my plates off and then put them in the dishwasher. I jogged upstairs and did my hair and makeup, sprayed some perfume on, packed my school back, and grabbed my phone and headphones. I looked in the mirror, aprroving my outfit before stepping out.

I was a 17 year old girl in highschool. I had really dark brown hair that most people mistaked it for black and it went to my mid back. I had dark brown eyes and was 5"2. Today it was, if you haven't already guessed, the first day of a new school year. I decided to wear a white and baige striped thin sweater with, white ripped jeans, brown boots and a brown leather jacket ontop. I had my hair in a braided side ponytail and a brown bow headband sitting perfectly on top of my head. I did my makeup very light, since I wasn't a big fan of makeup, I put on mascara, eye-liner, light brown eyeshadow, and some sparkly lip gloss on my lips.

I skipped downstairs, packed a lunch and was ready to go.

"Bye Guys!" I said as I ran outside to my car. I got in the drivers seat and blasted the music while i drove to school. I had the windows down as I sang along to "all about that bass" .

It was about 8:20 when I reached school so I decided to drive to a starbucks nearby since I still had 40 minutes left till school started. When I got to starbucks I walked in and ordered a Vanilla Bean with whipped cream and caramel drizzling on top. I sat down at a table and drank my drink while playing some games on my phone.

After about 25 minutes I decided to go back to school since most people would be there by now. So I ordered another drink to go this time. I walked out to my car and drove to school.

When I got there I parked my car and looked around for my friends, when I saw them by a tree I walked over.

"Hey girlies!" I said, smiling cheerfully as I reached them.

"Omg, hey Crystal, I haven't seen you in so long!" Vanessa said, hugging me a little to tightly. I hit her back and she let go, I laughed and smiled. Vanessa was a super cheery and kind girl. She had her long brown hair that reached her butt in a french braid and light blue eyeshadow over her crystal blue eyes. She was wearing a sky blue thin sweater with a red heart in the centre, gray jeans, and blue uggs.The rest of my friends gave me tight hugs and we just talked until the bell rang. We all walked to the office to get our new scheduels. We all had the same classes together, I was really excited.

We walked into our first period class and took our seats in the middle row. I began scribbling in my notebook while my teacher was going on and on about some new school year speech.

"Ok, now I'm going to take attendance," Ms.Parker said, pulling out a folder.

"Lacey Adams?" Ms.Parker began taking attendance. As she was taking the attendance I was just checking off the names of people I know in my head, I knew everyone, at least thats what I thought until,

"Daniel Dash?" Ms.Parker said. Daniel Dash? Who was that, I've never heard of him before.

"Here" a quiet voice said from the back row, I turned around and there sat a new boy. He had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and looked about 5"6.

"Hi, are you new?" I asked him.

"Yea, um I'm Daniel," He said pretty quietly and looked down, he almost seemed scared.

"Well I'm Crystal, I could show you around today, I would love to get to know you better. I'll be your first and bestest friend here" I smiled and he looked up at me and after a few seonds he smiled too. For the first time I could actually see his face properly, he had perfectly white and straight teeth, and the best smile I could have ever seen. I think my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I would love that, thanks" He said breaking me out of my thoughts. I asked him a few questions and he asked me a few quesitons, so he's 17, canadian and his family just moved to the neighbourhood. He plays a huge variety of sports, he loves reading, acting, and this one really made excited, he loves Pokemon(yes I love pokemon too, don't judge). After class was finished, I knew a lot about Daniel and well let's just say,

Shy. Sporty. Pokemon Fan. Unique ...........this year is going to be very interesting because Daniel Dash is perfect for me

Hey Guys! So this is the first chapter of my first story, hope you guys liked it. Vote and Comment please, I would really love to hear your feedback! Thank you so much for reading Awkward Love!

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