Chapter 23- Your blush is adorable

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I woke up super excited for my date with Daniel today. He won't tell me where we're going or what we're doing, he just told me to dress casual and that he's picking me up at 5. It's 12 right now so I have a lot of time to get ready. I walked downstairs to eat some breakfast, I put 2 hashbrowns in the oven an got out what I needed to make scrambled eggs. About 20 minutes later when the hashbrowns were done to my liking, I put the egg mixture in the pot and did the process of making the eggs. Once everything was done, I put it on a plate and sat down at the counter. 

When I was almost finished eating, my mom came downstairs and smiled when she saw me,

"Hey sweetie, are you ready for your date with your boyfriend?" She asked me teasingly. I rolled my eyes,

"He's not my boyfriend." I said, blushing. She chuckled,

"Oh shush, he will be soon and you know it." She said, I just rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go figure out what to wear so I don't start panicking last minute." I said, walking up the stairs, trying to hide my bright red cheeks. I heard her laughter as I left the room and rolled my eyes again.

I walked into my room and opened my closet, searching for clothes to wear later. He told me to dress casual, but I also wanted to dress cute, so I going for the cute/casual look. This was going to be hard.


About 2 hours and one fashion show later, I finally figured out what to wear. I plopped down on my bed tiredly, grabbing my phone. I started watching episodes of Pokemon to pass the time, singing along to the theme song that never got old. Pokemon is my favourite show, I've watched every episode so I just re watch the episodes on replay everyday. No really, I never go one day without watching Pokemon. I've always wished the Pokemon world was actually real, I really want an Eevee, just having one in the games is not enough. Yes, I do also play the games, I seriously love all things Pokemon. 

After about 5 episodes, I put my phone down and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I put on some lotion before walking out of the bathroom and getting dressed.

I was seriously in love with this outfit, I think it's the perfect cute/casual outfit for a first date

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I was seriously in love with this outfit, I think it's the perfect cute/casual outfit for a first date. The thought had me feeling so giddy, our first date. I couldn't believe Daniel and I were actually going on our first date. I smiled, dancing around my room as I finished getting ready, I left my hair down and placed a large white bow in my hair. Spraying on some perfume, I grabbed my bag and skipped down the stairs, plopping down on the couch while I waited for Daniel to show up. Brody walked downstairs and when he saw me, he walked over.

"Hey Crystal? Can you make me some scrambled eggs?" He asked, I looked at him in disbelief.

"Why would I do that? You can make your own eggs." I said, glancing down at my phone screen as it vibrated, Daniel was here. I stood up from the couch, slipping on my shoes. 

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