Chapter 9- Dance the night away!!

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I woke up to the sound of my friends talking. I sat up in my bed and yawned, I turned to face them

"Hey," I said. They all smiled

"Morning" They said in unison. I visibly cringed. 

"Ok never do that again," I said,

"Do what?" Vanessa asked.

"Talk at the same time, it's very creepy," I said.

"You just get scared too easily," Izzy said. I shrugged and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Whatever," I grumbled, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Walking out of the bathroom, I walked downstairs and put two waffles in the toaster and poured a glass of orange juice. When the waffles popped up, I put them on a plate and began eating them.

"Girls, come and make yourselves something to eat, cause I'm not doing it for you," I yelled. I heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs. 3 seconds later they appeared.

"Waffles are in the freezer, eggs are in the fridge, help yourself." I said before walking into the living room.

I looked at the empty pizza box we left there last night and picked it up. A note fell off the top. I caught it before it fell and realized that it was the note from last night. I sighed. Who the hell is it??

I walked back into the kitchen and threw the pizza the box away. I turned to my friends who were stuffing their faces with waffles,

" Hey pigs, what am I gonna do about this note?" I asked. Cassadee looked up,

"Maybe its Jay?" She asked. I gave her a weird look,

"Why would it be Jay?" I said.

"Well he is trying to get you to forgive him right?" Vanessa said. I thought it over for a minute. Could it actually be him?

"I guess it might be him, I'll ask today," I said. They nodded. 

All of sudden, Izzy piped up,

"We need to go to the spa today," she said. 

"Why?" I asked.

"Because the dance is tonight dumb dumb," she said, giving me a 'duh' look. I shrugged,

"I don't see why we absolutely need too but whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. I put my plate in the dishwasher before saying,

"We have to be at school in 20 so hurry up," I said,running up the stairs to get dressed. I pulled on a maroon knitted sweater and black jeans. I tugged on my black combat boots and look in the mirror. Feeling like something was missing I rummaged around in my drawer, finding a black beanie, I put it on my head. I walked into my closet and pulled out a black leather jacket, slipping it on. Walking back out, I went to my dresser and sprayed some perfume on. 

Grabbing my phone and bag, I walked down the stairs to find Izzy and Cassadee sitting on the couch, watching cartoons.

"Hey guys, where's Vanessa?" I asked. Right as I said that, I heard footsteps behind me,

"I'm right here," Turning around, I saw Vanessa standing there, wearing a cream coloured knitted top and dark wash skinny jeans. I smiled,

"Okay, let's go we have 10 minutes," I said. Grabbing my keys off the counter, we all walked outside. Getting into our own cars and driving off the school, arriving with 5 minutes to spare.

Walking to our lockers, we got our stuff and then walked together to our first period class. English. Walking into the classroom, we slipped into our seats just as the bell rang. I let out a sigh of relief.

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