Chapter 24-Dorky Cheesiness

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I skipped down the stairs the next morning with a large smile on my face. My mom was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Morning mother!" I exclaimed, opening the fridge and pulling out the apple juice. I got out a cup and poured myself some apple juice.

"Hey daughter." My mom responded. I grinned at her, gulping down my drink. She raised an eyebrow

"You seem happy. It's a school day, you're never happy on school mornings." She observed, I shrugged. 

"I'm excited to go to school is all." I answered. She raised both eyebrows now,

"Since when? I thought you hated school?" She asked. I grinned, laughing.

"I guess you can say, pigs flew this year." I said, she looked confused for a second before recognition flashed through her eyes and she started laughing with me.

I pulled my keys out from the bag and walked to the front door,

"Bye mom!" I said, she waved to me and I left, locking the door behind me. I got into my car and drove to school. When I got there, my friends were all gathered where we usually meet before school, I walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" I greeted, they smiled at me, greeting me.

"Have you heard?" Vanessa asked me, I raised an eyebrow,

"That's so vague. Heard what?" I asked her.

"Jay and Holly are dating now." She told me, probably expecting me to blow up. I remained perfectly calm,

"I really don't care. I've had enough of him. Besides, they probably won't last long together anyway." I responded, shrugging. Daniel slipped his arm around my waist

"Besides, you have me now," He said, kissing my forehead. I grinned up at him as our friends stared at us with shock.

"When did this happen? Why didn't you tell us?" Izzy asked, I shrugged.

"We've only been on one date." I told her, 

"So you guys aren't official or anything yet?" Vanessa asked. Daniel nodded,

"Nope, no titles over what we are yet." Daniel answered her. Cassadee smirked,

"So Daniel, when are you gonna pop the big question?" She asked him, Daniel blushed.

"Jeez, you make it sound like I'm gonna propose." He said, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. Cass laughed.

"Of course not, that comes later on down the road." She said, I chuckled as Daniel's face turned bright red. I leaned up and whispered in his ear,

"Now who has the adorable blush?" I asked him, he responded with a light pinch on my side and a quiet 'shut up' as I laughed loudly.

"Ugh get a room guys." Mark said, this time I blushed bright red as my friends laughed. I felt Daniel's breath near my ear,

"Still you." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I blushed brighter and swatted his arm.

"Shut up."


"So, you and Daniel huh?" I looked up to see Jay standing in front of my desk, I shrugged.

"Maybe, and you and Holly?" I asked him, he shrugged,

"Maybe." He mimiked my response. I nodded,

"Cool. So is there a reason you came up to me?" I asked him, urging him to get to the point.

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