Chapter 8- Dates Dresses and Disasters (part 2)

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"What? Are you serious?"

"Why would he do that?"

"He's such a jerk"

The girls were at my house for the sleepover and I just finished telling my friends about what happened last night. Lets just say they were very suprised.

"I know," I said, looking down.

"Have you talked to him about it yet?" Cassadee asked.

"Yep," I said.

"Ok and..." Izzy said.

"He apologized and asked me to the winter dance," I said.

"And what did you say?" Vanessa asked.

"I said yes but I told him that he's not fully forgiven yet," I answered. They all rolled their eyes.

"Please, we all know that you've already forgiven him," Vanessa said. The girls nodded their head in aggrement.

"Whatever, lets watch a movie," I suggusted, already getting up and walking to the movie cabinet.

"Oh no no no, we are going dress shopping," Izzy said.

"What? No we're not," I said. Izzy gave me a evil grin,

"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind watching a horror movie instead?" she said, watching as my eyes widened in horror

"You know what? Shopping sounds fun, let me go change," I said rushing up the stairs, I heard them laughing behind me.

I got into my room and walked into my closet. I pulled out a pair of black leggings and an aqua sweater. Once I was changed I put a black scarf around my neck and pulled on black uggs. I sprayed on some perfume, grabbed my bag and phone and went downstairs.

"Lets go," I said. They all got up and grabbed their jackets.

"Who's driving?" Cassade asked.

"Me of course," I said, grinning. I loved driving! We all walked outside towards my car and got in with Vanessa calling shot gun and drove to the mall.

Once we got there I was practically dragged into the first dress store we saw and forced to try on so many things. But none of them caught my eye. That was until...

"Oh my gosh, look at this one!" I said, as I pulled out an aqua coloured high-low dress.

"Oh wow its so pretty, go try it on Crystal," Cassadee said, I walked into the dressing room and slipped on the dress. It fit perfectly,

"Wow I really like it," I said, looking into the mirror.

"Well come out and let us see," I heard Izzy say. I walked out and did a little twirl, the dress spinning with me.

"You look so beautiful girlie," Vanessa said. I heard murmurs of aggrement and I smiled.

"Thank you, what are you guys going to wear?" I asked. They laughed,

"Don't worry, we already bought our dresses last week," Cassadee said. I rolled my eyes, I'm always the last one to get my dress.

"Okay well lets go find some shoes and accessories," I said, walking back into the dressing room and changing. I came out and held the dress in my hands, picking up my bag before walking with the girls towards the shoes section of the store.


"So who are your dates?" I asked the girls. We were currently sitting in the food court after buying all the stuff I need for the dance we got really hungry.

"I'm going with Sam," Vanessa said, smiling. Sam and Vanessa have this thing going on, its clear that they both really like eachother, I mean they go to every dance together since Freshman year but they never dated, its weird. Sam is the captain of the football team and he is also a pretty good looking guy, with brown spiky hair and blue eyes, almost like the sea.

"When are you guys going to date?" Izzy asked, with an exasperated sigh.

"Don't be silly, we have to really like eachother to date," Vanessa said, I rolled my eyes.Oblivious girl

"What about you guys?" I asked, turning to Cassadee and Izzy.

"I'm going with Nick," Cassadee said. I nodded in approval. Nick was the captain of the soccer team. He was extremely cute with black curly hair and very unique eyes, blue with a little silver mixed into it. Very capturing.

"I'm going with Aiden," Izzy said, shrugging. Aiden was also on the soccer team, he played center mid-fielder. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes with little green specks in them.

I nodded my head in approval to all of their dates. My friends really know how to pick guys. We finished off our food and then walked back to my car and drove home.

"Lets get changed into our pj's" Cassadee said, we all aggreed and went to change. After we were dressed we decided to have a movie night. I ordered pizza while Vanessa got the drinks and popcorn. Cassadee picked the movie while Izzy got all the pillows and blankets from my room. After ordering I went to the living to join the rest of the girls.

"What movie did you pick?" I asked Cassadee.

"Let's be cops," Cassadee said, laughing when I fist pumped the air. I love that movie. Just then the doorbell rang. That was fast.

I grabbed the money off of the counter and walked to the door. When I opened it, there was no one there but a box of pizza on the ground with a note attached to it.


Don't worry about paying, I got you covered. Enjoy

Well that was weird. I picked up the box and walked to the living room.

"Guys, the weirdest thing just happened," I said as I put the pizza on the coffee table.

"What?" Vanessa asked.

"When I opened the door, the was no one there but a note on the pizza box left on the floor." I told them.

"Well what did the note say?" Izzy asked. I handed her the note and she read it aloud.

"Crystal, don't worry about paying. I got you covered. Enjoy," she read.

"Wow well thats weird," Cassadee said.

"I know right," I said.

"Who do you think it is?" Vanessa asked.

"I don't know," I said, confused.

"Well we can figure this out later, I wanna watch the movie," Izzy said.

"Yeah same," Cassadee said. I shrugged and grabbed the remote, pressing play.

We watched the movie, laughing at the funny parts. The pizza was finished halfway through the movie. When the credits rolled around we were so tired.

"Lets go to bed," I said, yawning and streching. They got up and we all walked to my room. Good thing we set up the mattresses before the movie. We all climbed into our beds and fell asleep.

Hey Guys! Sorry for the pause. I had a lot to do these past few weeks. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter! Crystal's winter dance outfit is in the picture bar. Vote/Comment/Share. Thank you for reading Awkward Love :D <3

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