Chapter 14- I can't help it

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I woke up this morning and something just felt off. I shrugged it off for now, getting changed and brushing my teeth. I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a neon yellow sweater with 'nerd' printed across it in huge black letters(I like to call myself a nerd, geek, dork, those things). I put on a black bow and my black combat boots before putting on my glasses to go with the whole nerd theme. Yes, surprise surprise, I wear glasses, years of staring at your phone screens does that to your eyes but I don't mind, I love my glasses.

Grabbing a leather jacket, I ran downstairs, grabbing an apple before leaving and driving to school. Arriving at school, I walked up to my friends. We exchanged greetings, and just talked until we had about ten minutes left to get to class. I was walking to my locker when I spotted Jay and Daniel talking, well more like arguing,  Jay looked the most pissed off though. I didn't want to intrude so I just continued on to my locker.

I put my stuff in and then turned around, seeing as they were now done arguing and Jay was walking by himself, Daniel nowhere to be seen(Okay sonic, I see you), I jogged to catch up with Jay. 

"Jay! Wait up!"  I called out. He stopped walking and turned to face me, I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look mad," I asked. He shook his head,

"I'm fine," He said. I narrowed my eyes at him before deciding to drop it but I will find out eventually.

"Okay, well do you wanna hang out afterschool?" I asked. He shook his head again,

"Sorry Crystal, I already have plans," he spoke. Disappointed, I nodded,

"Okay, how about tomorrow?" I asked, I really wanted to hang out, just the two of us, we haven't done that in a while. He nodded,

"Okay sure, why not?" He said, smiling at me. I smiled brightly, leaning up to peck his cheek as we got to my class.

"Yay, I'll see you later okay?" I told him. He just nodded before I walked into my class, the door shutting behind me.


It was lunch time now and Jay was nowhere to be seen. Normally I wouldn't worry but he wasn't in History either and he never skips class.

"Crystal calm down, I'm sure he's fine," Cassadee said, I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm just gonna text him though to make sure," I said, pulling out my phone. Vanessa rolled her eyes,

"Or you could just call him, better chance of him answering," She said. I glared at her,

"You sound just like my mom. But just like I tell her, calling is for the weak!" I said, pumping my fist in the air. She scoffed, raising her eyebrow,

"No calling is for the normal," She said. Now it was my turn to scoff,

"And there's your answer. Since when was I normal?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. She stared at me for a bit before nodding,

"True true," She agreed, I laughed before texting Jay. His reply came minutes later.

To: Crystal

From: Jay

'I'm coming, calm yourself'

Jeez, someone's in a grumpy mood

Jay arrived about 5 minutes later with an annoyed look on his face. He looked at me,

"You wanted something?" He asked. I shook my head,

"I was just worried, you weren't in History and you never skip class," I said. He smiled slightly,

"I was helping a teacher with something, I was excused from class," He told me. I nodded,

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