Chapter 13- Gotta Catch 'Em All

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Everyone has that one person that they just hate with a burning passion. That person at the very top of their hate list. They just wish that person never existed. For me, you'd think that person would be Holly but nope, Holly's in solid second.

The person I hate the most with a fire burning passion is Mother Nature. Why, you may ask? One word. Period.

"Ugh. Mother Nature, why are you punishing me like this?" I grumbled as I dragged my feet towards the washroom. Walking in, I locked the door behind me.

I groaned as another wave of pain and nausea passed through me. My movements now a bit panicky, I rushed to place a pad on before the red waterfall started.

"This isn't fair! I should be rewarded for not being pregnant not punished!" I yelled out. I heard a laugh from the other side of the door

"Crystal, you know Mother Nature can't hear you right?" Brody's voice said. I walked over to the door, throwing it open to glare at my brother

"Shut up Brody! I know she can, you don't know anything" I yelled, stepping closer to him. He quickly covered his face as I moved to hit him.

"Not the face! Not the face!" He yelled. I shrugged, bringing my knee up where the sun doesn't shine.

"Fucking hell! Why?" He yelled, cupping his balls as his face turned red. I smirked,

"You said not the face," I shrugged, walking over to my room and closing the door.

"Damn, periods turn girls into violent beasts" I heard him hiss out. I rolled my eyes, laying out on my bed as another wave of pain hit me. I groaned.

"Mom!" I yelled. A couple seconds later, she popped her head into my room.

"What?" She asked. I looked up from my pillow

"Can you get me the heating pad?" I asked. She looked at me in sympathy.

"Time of the month?" She asked. When I nodded, she nodded to before turning around

"I'll be back," She said. I didn't respond, just turned back to put my face in my pillow.

"Ugh, I hate this so much," I groaned, rolling into some weird yoga position. I heard footsteps coming and then the sound of my mom's voice,

"Crystal, you've never been that flexible. Give up before you become a human pretzel gone wrong," She says, humor in her voice. I looked up and glared at her.

"Oh my gosh mom, you are so funny. Ha ha, oh wow I can't stop laughing. My sides are killing me from laughing so much," I said, with a straight face. She rolled her eyes,

"I'm sure you're laughing on the inside," She said before throwing the heating pad at me. I sighed as it landed on my face,

"You know mom, I don't think this is where the heating pad is supposed to go. But thanks anyways," I said, pulling it off my face and laying it over my lower abdomen. I sighed

"That feels a bit better. I'm sure it won't last long though," I said, frowning at the thought of the pain to come.

"So I take it you're not going to school?" my mom asked. I shook my head,

"Nope, probably the only thing good that comes out of this," I said. My mom sighed,

"Well your dad and I have to go to work today. Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" She asked. I nodded,

"I'll be fine mom," I said, waving her away. She sighed once more before leaving. About 20 minutes later, I heard the door close. I was now left in complete silence. Well, it would be impolite to interrupt this peaceful atmosphere with my noise, so time to get my beauty sleep.

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