Chapter 11- Making the deal

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The weekend passed by pretty quickly, and before I knew it, I was back at the hell hole we know as school. I slowly trudged through the hallways until I caught sight of Jay, I walked up to him,

"Hey," I said, waving slightly. He smiled,

"Hey Crystal, what's up?" he said cheerfully. I winced,

"Way too early for you to be that cheery," I grumbled, walking with him to my first period class. He chuckled,

"Not really but okay," he said, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Why do we have to be here," I asked, groaning as we reached the classroom.

"Because we need an education, quite frankly you can be a bit dumb sometimes," he said, smirking. I glared at him, shoving his shoulder.

"Shut up, I am not dumb," I said. He laughed, and I opened the door

"Okay Crystal, whatever you say," he walked down the hall to his class, and I walked inside.

Spotting Daniel sitting at his desk, I sat beside him. He looked up smiling at me,

"Hey Crystal, what's up?" he said, I shrugged.

"The ceiling?" I answered, although it came out sounding like a question.

"Noo really? I didn't know that," he said, sarcasm lacing his tone. I shrugged again,

"Well, you learn something knew everyday," I said, he rolled his eyes,

"Apparently," he grumbled, sarcastically. I nudged his shoulder,

"So, what did you do this weekend?" I asked, randomly.

"A bit of a random question don't you think?" He asked. I shrugged. I seem to be doing that a lot today,

"Well I'm a random person, deal with it," I said, sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled, raising his hands up in defense.

"Well if you want to know what I did so badly, I just lazed around the house all weekend," he said, casually.

"That's all?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. He nodded,

"Yeah, I mean I went skateboarding for a bit, but that's about it," He said.

"A bit boring if you ask me," I said, taking out my notebook as the teacher walked in.

" Really? Well what did you do that was oh so fun?" He challenged,

"I went shopping," I said. He laughed, shaking his head,

"Oo she went shopping, shocker," He said, I pushed his shoulder

"Shopping is very fun," I said, confidently.

"I beg to differ," He said, I shrugged,

"Beg all you want, I'm not gonna change my mind, now shush, I wanna learn," Not really but still.

"Okay how about we make a deal," he said. I turned to face him

"Like?" I asked, curiously.

"I'll show you my definition of fun, and in return you can show me your definition of fun, even though it'll probably be shopping," he said. I laughed, thinking it over. It might be fun to learn something new about him.

"Okay I accept," I said, shaking his hand. He smirked

"Oh Crystal dearest, your in for the time of your life," he said. I hit his shoulder, opening my mouth to tell him to shut up when someone did it for me,

"Daniel! Crystal! Stop talking or your both getting a detention," Ms. Parker yelled. I nodded, shooting Daniel a glare before shrinking down in my seat, hating the attention being on me.

After first period, the girls joined up with Daniel and I,

"I don't get it," Daniel randomly blurted out. I jumped, a bit startled. I shot him a glare, and he gave me an apologetic look.

"What don't you get?" I asked.

"You say your shy, that you're scared of judgment, but your so popular around here. How does that work?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, looking genuinely confused. I sighed,

"Well it's not like I chose to be known. Believe me, I don't really enjoy the popularity. People just pretend to be my friend because of my money, its pathetic really. Vanessa, Cassadee, Izzy, Mark, Jay, and now you, are the only ones who don't really give a crap about the money," I answered, honestly. The girls smiled warmly, while Daniel nodded in understanding,

"And is that part of the reason why you don't like to perform? Because you don't know if people will just be pretending to like it or not?" He asked. I nodded,

"Exactly," I said. Daniel was silent for a bit and we just walked in silence until he spoke again,

"I'll see you guys later, I gotta do something," he said, waving and walking off before we could respond.

"Well that was random," Izzy said, I nodded

"Very," I agreed. Once we got to the classroom, we walked in and took our seats.

Hello!(from the other side... no? Okay..) So, here's another chapter, look at me updating a bit more frequently now...okay let's not jinx it. Anywayz, hope you enjoyed, evem though it was pretty short.Please vote/comment/share and thank you for reading Awkward Love!

(P.S do you know hard it is updating these things on a tablet?? Or maybe it's just my keyboard but still)

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