Chapter 12- Honouring the deal(part 1)

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Once the bell rang for lunch, I was out of the classroom faster than you can say 'poptarts', deciding I was too impatient to put my stuff in my locker, I went straight to the cafeteria. I picked up two slices of pizza, a container of blue raspberry jello, and a bottle of orange crush. Best lunch ever!!

I was about to pay for my lunch when a voice sounded behind me;

"Don't worry, I got it covered," the voice said. I turned around to see who it was but they were long gone, leaving a 10 dollar bill in the hands of the lunch lady. I looked around in confusion, trying to find the person, but I was out of luck, they were no where to be found.

Taking my tray, I walked to my table, and explained what happened. The girls shared a knowing look,

"Why would someone do that and just take off?" I questioned.

"Crystal, remember at our sleepover, when someone paid for the pizza and just left that note?" Izzy asked. I nodded confused, then gasped in realization.

"Oh my God, its the same person isn't it?" I said. They nodded,

"And that means that they go to our school," Cassadee added, I slowly nodded.

"But that could be literally anyone," I said,

"Well what did-"

"Wait wait, slow down. You mean to tell me that Crystal has a stalker who just likes paying for her things?" Jay interrupted Vanessa's sentence. I just blinked,

"I guess you could put it like that," I said, slowly. Jay's jaw clenched,

"I don't like this, someone's just stalking you? That's so creepy," Jay hissed, I chuckled,

"Jay chill, I mean yes it's creepy, but at least he's not sending me death threats," I said, trying to calm him down. He sighed,

"But still," He said, looking worried. I sighed and shuffled closer to him, putting my hand on his,

"I'll tell you if it gets serious okay?" I told him, he just nodded, putting his arm around me, and kissing the top of my head. I sighed in content, instantly relaxing against him.

I just hope that this will all blow over eventually...


After school ended, I went to my locker to collect my things. Stuffing my books in and taking my bag out, since I had no homework. Shutting my locker door, I turned around only to see Daniel, leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Jeez, stalker much?" I asked, once I calmed down my rapid heartbeat. He grinned,

"I wanna take you somewhere," he told me. I looked at him confused

"Where?" I asked, he shrugged

"It's a surprise, doesn't that sound fun," he asked, I glared at him

"Yeah, it sounds like so much fun. Thank you oh dearest Daniel, for deciding that the best way for me to have fun is by taking me somewhere that I have no knowledge of. How can I ever repay you?" I asked, heavy sarcasm lacing my tone. He rolled his eyes

"Well you can start by losing the sarcasm," he suggested. I shook my head

"Not gonna happen," I said, sticking my tongue out. He sighed

"Well I tried. Anyways, like I said, I wanna take you somewhere, you coming?" He asked. I sighed, throwing my hands up in defeat

"Fine fine, whatever," I said. He grinned, triumphantly and I rolled my eyes.

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