Chapter 19- You Didn't Love Her

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Once we finally arrived at our destination, I climbed out of the car, stretching my legs. Yesterday, Daniel told me that there was a fair happening and suggested that we go, so I agreed because I love fairs.

"Finally, we're here! I can't believe you didn't tell me we were going to the fair. I could've prepared better." Cassadee exclaimed. I rolled my eyes,

"And how exactly do you prepare for a fair?" I asked.

"I could've brought my camera," She said.

"Well you have your phone, so suck it up." I said. She rolled her eyes but didn't respond. We all proceeded to walk over to the ticket booth and buy a day pass.

"So what ride should we go on first?" I asked them,

"How about that one?" Daniel asked, pointing to the biggest roller coaster there. I shivered

"Um, how about we start off smaller?" I said, pointing to the viking ship ride.

"Such a baby," Cass muttered. I glared at her,

"Oh shut it. I never said I wouldn't go on it, just not right away." I lied, there was no way I would be going on that death trap.

"Yeah, whatever you say," She said, seeing right through my lie. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go on the viking ship ride, it's my second favourite one." I said, they agreed and we walked over to it.

"Tickets please." The guy running the said in a monotone voice. I showed him the pass and he opened the gate for us.

I wanted to get on the middle row, but Daniel and Cass forced me to go to the second highest one. I gulped as soon as the ride started. Well, there was no backing out now.

The ride started off pretty slow but as soon as it got higher, I started to freak out. Every time we went down, you would feel that little jump in your stomach. After a few swings, I got used to the height and was laughing my head off with Cass and Daniel.

We got off the ride, my legs a little wobbly, and went to the next ride. This one was my very favourite, also involving swinging. It was the one with multiple seats that swings you around in the air. I always found it relaxing, feeling the breeze in my hair.

When we got on the platform, we chose three seats closest to each other. When the swings got higher, I pulled out my phone and started filming because why not? 

"Crystal!" Cass called. I looked over and saw her reaching her hand out, I grinned and reached out, touching her hand before the same with Daniel. I filmed us laughing and goofing around the whole time.


After a few more rides, we decided to take a break to eat lunch. We all got funnel cake because, who eats real food at a fair? Funnel cake is probably my second favourite dessert, brownies being number one. 

"They really need to open a funnel cake shop near us because I barley get to eat this amazing creation." I sighed.

"I know right? That's something they should start looking into." Daniel said. Cass nodded in agreement.

We finished off the rest of our funnel is a comfortable silence before going on some more rides. It wasn't long before the dreaded moment came. We reached the biggest roller coaster they had here, and Cass and Daniel really wanted to go on it. I wasn't too big a fan.

"Crystal, come on!" Daniel said, trying to drag me over to the line.

"No! I'm not going on that death trap!" I yelled, holding onto a pole like my life depended on it, which it did.

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