A Night To Remember- Part 2

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"Now its my turn," I heard Daniel say. I looked up and was met with his eyes, I gave him look as if asking if he was really gonna do it and he just nodded. I shrugged and sat back down, I didn't want to miss this. Daniel spun the bottle with a flick of his wrist, I watched closely as the bottle spun. It gradually got slower and slower until it landed on someone and I gasped when I saw who it was......



I sat there, staring at the bottle pointing at me with my mouth wide open in shock.

 "Crystal get up," I heard Jay say. I shook my head and got up, walking towars the middle of circle where Daniel was standing and faced him. He smiled and I gave him a nervous smile back. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, I mean Jay seems threatend by Daniel and I don't want to give him a reason to think that I'm gonna leave him for Daniel.

"Ok Crystal, let's get this over with," Daniel said. I nodded as he leaned forward. Here goes nothing. Our lips touched as I closed my eyes. As soon as it started it was over, I let out a breath of releif as I gave him a nod and turned and walked back to my spot, I sat down and leaned against Jay. For the rest of the game I avoided eye contact with Daniel and I was pretty much planning on avoiding him for the rest of the night but then I realized.....I'm his ride home! I groaned and hit my forehead.

"You okay Crystal," Vanessa asked. I sighed,

"Yep, just realized that I'm Daniel's ride home," I said.

"Ok...and?" She asked, confused. I shrugged.

"Nothing," I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Your so weird Crystal," She said. I laughed and pinched her cheek.

"But you love me anyway," I said. She laughed and swatted my hand away. We talked for a while about randomness until the rest of the gang joined us, and we walked to the dance floor. Ordinary by Ricky Dillon came on and the girls immeadietly looked over at me, I shook my head and they puted. I just so happened to have a dance to this song but due to stage fright, I've never performed anywhere except for the safety of my own roo, and infront of my little group of friends.

"Come on Crystal, we know you want to," Cassadee said. I gave her a look and she rolled her eyes.

"Someday your going to have to perform," Jay said. I looked at him,

"Yep, when the world isn't so judgemental, I will share my so-called "talent" with the world," I said shivering at the though of performing. They all rolled their eyes and for the rest of the night we just danced in our group.

After about an hour, we all decided to go home. I look around for Daniel as the rest of the group left. I finally found him in the kitchen, drinking what I think was Coke. I cleared my throat and he look up,

"Ready to go?" I asked. He nodded.

"Ok then, let's go," I said walking out of the kitchen with him following behind me. We walked outside to my car and I got in the drivers seat while he got in the passengers seat.

The car was a silent for a while so I decided to turn on the radio, I reached for the radio the same time Daniel did and our hands touched. So he had the same idea as me....great. I pulled my hand back quick and felt my cheeks heat up.

"Sorry," I said quietly, focusing back on the road. He cleared his throat, seemingly nervous too.

"No problem," he said as he turned on the radio. Something that we're not by Demi Lovato came on. I hummed the tune quietly.

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