Chapter 15- Curiosity killed the cat

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 "If I could find some courage

And follow it down the path.

If faith can make it happen,

how do I make it last?

What am I waiting for?

Now it's my time

Now it's my time,

Now it's my time, to rise up.

I'm tired of laying here on the floor,

it's my time, to shine

so bright

so light,

like never before

before, yeah.

My heart is like a prisoner of war

I can't give less, when I know I want more.

And why can't I step through that door?

If I'm ready to fly,

If I'm ready to soar.

Now it's my time,

I'm ready to rise,

I'm ready to shine.

Now it's my time,

I figured it out,

I figured it out..." 

Ladies and gentlemen, you just witnessed how I start my actual good putting on a concert for all my imaginary fans, today I decided to go for an inspirational theme. Anywho, once that was over I begun my daily routine to get ready for the dreadful school day ahead of me. I decided to get dressed in a maroon knitted sweater, black ripped jeans and black combat boots. I threw my hair up in a high ponytail because I was way too lazy to deal with it and clipped on a maroon bow.

I skipped breakfast because I just was not feeling it and I was once again, too lazy. I just grabbed my stuff, shouted out a goodbye to my family and left, driving to school. When I got there, none of my friends were there which made sense because I wanted to come early today. I made my way to the library instead to catch up on a few things I didn't understand in class. 

By the time I was done, the bell had just rung, warning me that I had about 5 minutes to get myself to class and considering the library was on the second floor and my first class is on the first floor, I better book it. I quickly gathered up my stuff and sprinted out of the library to stop at my locker quickly because I was stupid and didn't do it before. Times like these, I was glad for my speed. I finished up at my locker with 3 minutes left for class and started sprinting down the hallway, making it into my class just in time.

"Wow, someone woke up late," Daniel said, taking in my out of breath figure. I laughed, shaking my head,

"Nope. I was actually here since about 8:00," I said, he raised with eyebrows,

"Then how are you just getting to class?" He asked. I shrugged,

"Lost track of time I guess," I said. He rolled his eyes before facing the front, as our teacher started talking.


When lunch time rolled around, I was walking with Jay to my locker when he spoke up,

"So um about our plans today.." He started, I looked up at him curiously,

"What about them?" I asked. He looked away,

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