Chapter 8- Dates Dresses and Disasters (part 1)

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***Crystal's POV***

When I got home from Daniel's house, I stormed up the stairs and to my room, slamming the door behind me. I cannot believe Jay actually brought up Holly again after he promised he wouldn't. For those of you who are wondering who Holly is, she was Jay's old girlfriend. After he broke up with her, we started dating like 4 months after. Holly blamed me for their breakup and for a whole year she was always torturing me and embarrasing me. Eventually I started ignoring her and it stopped for a while until about a month later when I walked in on her and Jay at a party.....

~Flash Back~

I walked around the house looking for Jay. I wanted to go home because this party was getting pretty boring. I spotted a boy that he was talking to earlier and walked up to him,

"Hey, Joe right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yep, that's me, what can I do for you?" he asked, not so subtly checking me out. I snorted but ignored it,

"Have you seen my boyfriend Jay?" I asked, putting emphasis on the boyfriend. Joe smirked,

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he won't be your boyfriend after tonight," he laughed. I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just go upstairs to the first door on your left and you'll see for yourself," Joe said, chuckling while muttering 'idiot' under his breath. I grew even more confused as I walked up the stairs. I got to the door and I heard muffled voices coming from inside. I turned the doorknob slowly so whoever was in there wouldn't notice me and quietly walked in. I almost fainted at what I saw, in the room was Jay and Holly, they were on the bed in the middle of a pretty heated make out session.

Tears pricked at my eyes and I cleared my throat, effectively getting their attention. Jay's eyes widened when he saw me while Holly just sat their with a smug look on her face.

"Crystal, I swear, it's not what it looks like, I-" Jay started but I cut him off."Shut the fuck up you asshole," I spat. He walked over to me and cupped my face, I swatted his hands away,

"Please Crystal just listen to me," he begged. I shook my head as the tears threatened to fall but I pushed them back. Not showing any weakness to him. By this point, Holly had walked over with the smug look still on her face.

"Aw poor girl. Did you not get your happily ever after ending?" she cooed. I scowled at her,

"Bitch, why the fuck can't you just back off," I hissed at her. She scoffed,

"Please, look who's talking, me and Jay were perfectly happy but then you came along and just had to take him from me you freaking slut," she hissed. I glared at her and if looks could kill, she'd be buried 10 thousand feet under.

"Well I guess I'm not the only one who isn't gonna have a good night," I said. She looked confused

"What do you mean? I'm having a perf-" she got cut off when my fist connected with her face, she let out a scream and fell to the floor, holding her nose, where I punched her. I bent down so I was level with her,

"That's gonna leave a mark, watch your back bitch," I spat. I got up and stood in front of a wide-eyed Jay. His eyes softened when he connected eyes with me, I glared coldly and slapped him across the face, leaving a red hand print on his face. He let out a stream of curse words. I turned to walk out of the room but not before turning around to face him,

"Have a good life Jay," I hissed, and with that I walked out of the room and out of the house. When I got inside I realized I now had to walk and I let out a frustrated scream and began walking. I couldn't hold back the tears and they fell while I was walking.

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