Chapter 9 - Hate in her eyes

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Chapter nine


Once I put Jelani in the foyer I ran to my room for the appropriate clothes once my clothes were on and I was in human form I went next door to Zanara’s room. I heard sobbing coming from the room and entered without knocking. Only to find Zanara in a pool of blood on the floor crying her eyes out. I ran to her and tilted her chin so her eyes would meet mine.

“Zanara what happened?” I whispered taking her hands from her lap.

She sniffled and said, “A-Agragor was in my room and he poisoned the blood I normally had next to my bed so I attacked him and I drank all of his blood.” She dropped her head and continued to cry.

“He poisoned your blood?” I asked stunned that Agragor would do that.

She nodded her head in response. “I was so thirsty and he had it coming he was so rude to me.” She wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my shoulder.

“Why don’t I tell you where the blood is in the kitchen and the other spots in the house?”

“O-okay; what happened to your mom?”

“Can we not talk about her?”

“Ok is Jelani alright?”

“Yes; he’s a good fighter.”

She let out a giggle and smiled; I slowly got up and grabbed her hand to help her up as well. I heard the door creak open but decided it was just my imagination I kissed Zanara’s forehead and grabbed her hand as we walked towards the door. I opened the door to find Jelani leaning against the wall with a knife out. Zanara let go of my hand and gave Jelani a big hug; he smiled thinking that he got Zanara’s love but he didn’t she was just glad that he was okay.

“Zanara why don’t I show you the kitchen,” I asked hoping that that would put Jelani in his place?

“Oh yea we should probably go do that.” She responded while once again returning to my side. Jelani fidgeted with his knife letting me know that he wasn’t afraid of me when in reality he should be more than afraid.  

Zanara and I walked this time so we could catch up from the near death experience while leaving Jelani behind. “Zanara I need to ask you something.” I paused she needed to hear this.

“No, I’m sorry Damon but the answer is no.” She responded looking into my eyes with apology in hers.

“You don’t even know what I was going to ask you yet.”

“I know what you were going to ask me. I don’t want to Damon; Jelani isn’t comfortable with the idea either. That is my final decision I refuse to marry you Damon.” She responded removing her hands from mine.

“Zanara are you kidding me? I wasn’t going to ask that; I was wondering if you wanted to be trained to change properly it’s important for our kind. I don’t want to talk about the marriage thing anymore; in fact I thought we agreed that we were going to forget that I said that in the first place.”

“Oh right, um sure but how can you teach me that kind of thing?”

“I had an idea but it might be a bad idea now.”

“What was it?”

“Forget it; we still have to go to the kitchen.” I responded changing the subject. I picked her up and raced us to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a juice box, “That is where the blood is stored.”

“Why are you giving me a juice box?”

“It’s blood.”

She grabs it and pokes her fangs in and the juice box becomes empty within seconds. I close the fridge and pick her up again and teleport us to her room. I put her down, “Zanara give me the box.” I ask so I could throw it away for her.

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