Chapter 29- Where's my mate?

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                                    Chapter 29


Maybe I could kill Damon; after all he did ruin my chances with Zanara and he said that he wouldn’t influence her to make a decision but then he proposed to her. I got back into my room and cranked the music again but put on headphones so I wouldn’t attract Zanara’s attention. A techno beat blasted into my ears as I tapped to the beat of the bass about halfway through the song the scent in the air changed; Damon. I shifted in my chair ready to pounce suddenly my headphones are lifted from my head; I turn to see Damon staring at me.

“So Zanara told you?” He asked.

“Yes; and while you were gone I found the cave and your mother. She told me that I’m in the prophecies.” I replied.

“Oh; were you the one that set her free?”

“She wasn’t trapped she went there willingly.”

“What prophecy did she say you were in?”

“I think you know what one Damon.”

He frowned, “She made that one up and every chance she gets she tries to show it to someone willing to do the deed. I’m sorry that she showed you that, Jelani.”

“Yea right.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you had a choice to save my life over yours which one would you choose? Zanara meant more to me than she does to you.”

“Then why did you use past tense? Does she still mean a lot to you or did she mean a lot?” Damon replies smirking.

“It doesn’t matter anymore!”

“Why doesn’t it?”

“Because Zanara is freaked out about the curse; I don’t even think it’s real.”

“Jelani it is; my family had it.”

“I know! Zanara told me; blah, blah, blah.”

“You know Jelani I tried to be your friend and I tried to get Zanara to realize you’re not acting like a child. But I can see that she was right.” He walks away as I lower my head knowing that I needed to change if I wanted a second chance with Zanara.

I get up and go to the cave where I last saw Mara; I entered the cave cautiously and walked down the stairs. I opened the door so I could look inside; I found candles were lit but Mara was nowhere to be found. I pulled back the curtain to see that the prophecy I was in was crossed out. Anger filled the inside of me as I got up and walked back to the castle but I was stopped in my tracks when I hear laughter. I turn to my left to see Ty and Avery sitting near a pond happily. Why haven’t I found my mate? I question myself. I’m older than Ty; and I thought I found my mate when really she was just a crush that was forbidden. My attention was brought back to the castle by a scream that came from the street that led to the castle. I haven’t looked over there yet; I ran to the tall iron gates and look for the mouth that had made the noise. And there in the middle of the street is a small girl who was going to be kidnapped. I opened the gate and shut it behind me; I run after the girl thinking she could be my mate. I chased down the car and I soon stopped as a tall man came up to me.

“Can I help you with something?” He asked in a deep voice.

“No I was just wondering where you’re going to be taking that little girl.” I respond.

“Does she mean something to you?” He questions taking a step closer. He smells the air and smiles, “Shifter.” I step back and run as he somehow managed to get in front of me blocking my path. “Going somewhere?” He asked as he licked his lips. I got my knife out but kept it hidden waiting for him to make the first move. His fangs began to show as he readied to pounce; he did but I ducked out of his way. Next he disappeared but then reappeared behind me I grabbed my hidden knife and stabbed him in the stomach; yet he still tried to bite me; I refused to let him win. With that in my mind I pinned him and made the cross in his forehead and sprinkled some salt onto him with that he screamed from the pain. I finally stabbed him in the heart as he turned to dust. I got up and grabbed my weapons as I make my way to the car that holds the girl that could possibly be my mate captive. I open the door and see her in a corner shaking and crying.

“It’s okay; you’re going to be safe now.” I tell her.

She slowly gets up from her corner and takes my hand as I lead her out of the car. “What are you going to do with me?”

“Nothing; I just wanted you to be safe. Do you have a family?”

She shakes her head no.

“Do you have a home?”

Again she shakes her head no.

“Do you want to stay with me?”

“Where do you live?”

“In the castle,” I say thinking that maybe this is how the mate feeling starts.

She smiles; and lowers her fangs and licks her lips.

I knew that I felt nothing and she wasn’t my mate just an orphan that was going to try and drink my blood. She tilts her head and walks closer to me, “Are you the king or prince?”

“Does it matter?”

She smiles and stops, “I guess not.”

She jumps onto me and growls as she tries to get a good grip on me; but I make it to my knives first before she can realize what I’m doing. I make a large slit in her neck as she pauses and drops all of her dead weight onto my body. I throw her off and continue my journey through this unknown territory. I walk into the city area and get strange looks but just ignore them because I should be the one judging them and not the other way around. I see nothing that interested me until I found a sign pointing into a different direction; however the sun was setting and I knew that if I was out here at night I would easily be killed or turned. 

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