Chapter 17 - Her love

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Chapter 17


            I was at peace knowing Zanara accepted her fate and me, as her mate. I had to start planning when and how I would propose to her; I’d also have to pick out a ring. There was so much to do and so little time we had before the prophecy would have to be finished. She still needed to be protected; and I haven’t even thought about Jelani he would be furious if he found out she accepted when she forced him to leave the room. I knew that Zanara was trying to do the honorable thing though; however I think she really does love me. I opened my eyes from my thoughts to see Zanara was also at peace sleeping in my arms. I don’t think I even know how to sleep anymore. I admired her perfectness there are no words to describe her essence even the thought of her made my heart beat faster and faster knowing that she is mine for eternity. She hasn’t even found out that once she’s 23 she stops aging; I never did understand why it was the age 23. Zanara smiled in her sleep so I casted a spell on myself sending me into her dreams; what I saw was amazing. We were on the island that she grew up on and in the meadow where we first met. I saw Zanara and me pushing kids on the swing while more children were playing by the stream. I saw Zanara kiss me as she brought my hand to her belly; that’s when it came to me all the kids were ours and more were on the way. This was her fantasy; just like the prophecy had planned she would be ok with the second part. The gods have made her to be the perfect woman I have ever met, she wants children, and with me. She accepts who she is; I wanted to run up to her and kiss her and get married now. But I couldn’t ruin her perfect dream; I just hoped she would do the same if it were me. I woke up from her dream and saw her still smiling; I turned to check the time only to see Jelani with an axe in his hand. He raised it but stopped when he saw Zanara’s eyes flutter open.

            She was still dazed from her dream but as her eyes adjusted she saw Jelani with his axe. She got up quickly and made her hands into fists but kept them at her side, “Are you serious? I fell asleep and you think it would be funny to kill Damon while I’m in his arms! You’re sick Jelani I don’t even want to hear an excuse.” She turns to me can I tell him please?

            No I would like to actually propose please Zanara.

            Fine but if he tries to hurt you he’s dead to me!

“Zanara.” Jelani whispers.

            “Stop I don’t want to hear it!” She storms out of the room but I follow closely behind her.

            “Zanara its late do you want to sleep? I mean it’s three a.m. I’m even getting tired.” I ask.

            “The nap was fine I just need some blood.” She picks up the box by her bed and drinks it down quickly.

            Zanara need to get out of here she was feeling copped up in here. I could understand, “Zanara do you want to go out?” I ask.

            “What would we do?” she looks up at me.

            “I don’t know what do you want to do? What have you always wanted to see?”

            “Can we visit my family?”

            I didn’t want to do that because I know how it would go but I did ask her what she wanted to do, “Sure pack your bags.”

            “Really?” She didn’t let me respond she uses her knew found vampire speed to pack everything she needed. “I’m done.” She says as she walks towards me and hugs me. “Thank you so much.” We stay like this for about another minute when Jelani walks in.

            “I heard that you’re going home Zanara. What about me, Damon?” Jelani asks.

            “Jelani it’s my gift to Zanara.” I respond pulling her closer.

            “What am I going to do then? Jelani asks.

            “I think you can find something to do while we’re gone. You can explore, watch movies, play video games, train or do whatever you want.” I respond.

            “Don’t treat me like a child!” He yells.

            “Jelani we’ll stop treating you like a child if you stop acting like a child!” Zanara shouts.

            Jelani walks off in defeat, “I’m going to go pack.” I whisper in Zanara’s ear.

            She smiles as I walk away and into my room; I too use my speed to pack; I walked back to see Zanara on her bed looking up at the ceiling, “What are you thinking about?” I asked.

            “What my parents will think of you.” She responds.

            “Zanara everything will be fine there may be a few bumps along the road though.” I respond helping her up from the bed.

            She grabs her bags and so do I, “What time does the plane take off?” She asks.

            “We aren’t flying because it takes forever to get to the destination.” I reply.

            “Then how are we getting there.”

            “Close your eyes hold your bags and hold onto me.” Once she was ready to go I teleported us to the island within seconds we were there.

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