Chapter 18- What is told

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Chapter 18


            Avery woke up just before we landed; the plane begins to shake just as the wheels touch the ground, “Ty what’s happening?” She screams as she pulls me closer to her.

            “Avery we’re in Nebraska, its fine we just landed. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and I want you to know that.”

            She still holds me close; I unbuckle myself and then her. We exit the plane and gather up the group again I pick up Avery and say, “We are going to get the fifty pound bags that we packed before. Does everyone have everything?” I counted the group again making sure that we have everyone. We picked up our bags and carried them to the phone area; I rented another bus and drove to Waverly, “Where is the entrance to the vampire world?” I ask.

            Accerly responds, “That tree is the entrance.”

I drive into the tree as we enter into a world that wasn’t like Sedrik’s it was peaceful. “Where does Damon live?”

“The castle right up ahead.” Avery says.

I stop in front of the castle and push open the gates with the bus. We pull up in front of the large door and everyone grabs their things as we head to the entrance. I knock on the door just as it starts to rain. Everyone gathers under the roof to stay dry the doors don’t open. I push the doors open and they do we run inside and drop our things off. I take a look around with Avery as I hear footsteps coming towards us. I blocked Avery from their view knowing if she ran she could be in danger. Why did I bring her with me when I separated from the group to look around? The figure stops and continues to walk closer as lightning flashes and lights up the figures face.

“Ty?” It asks. “It’s me Jelani.”

I step forward when the lights turn on. “Jelani, are you ok? Where’s Zanara? Where is this Damon?”

“Damon and Zanara left to go somewhere they will be back, I’m fine.” Jelani responds.

I pull Avery in front of me, “Jelani this is Avery, Avery this is Jelani.” I explain.

“Salutations Jelani.” Avery says holding out her hand.

“Hello Avery.”

“Avery why don’t you go back to the group and tell them to just wait by the stairs for me I have something to do I’ll be there soon.” I tell her.

She walks off as Jelani turns to me, “Why is she here?”

“Jelani, Avery is my mate.” I tell him.

“Quit joking around. Why is she really here?” Jelani asks while hitting me on the back.

“I’m serious when I was captured I escaped from them and they took me to their boss. I met Avery there and I killed the boss and freed the servants.” I explained.


“I was in the Amazon and in a cell I shifted and killed everyone except for one person. That person took me to the guy that made the plan I killed them both when I met Avery and then I ended up here with them.”


“I freed everyone there.” I grabbed him and brought him to the entrance, “Everyone this is my brother Jelani.”

They greeted him, “Why don’t I show you to your rooms?” He leads us up the stairs and to a long hallway that had rooms on both sides. Once Accerly and his family get their rooms I take one next to them and Avery.

I walk into Accerly’s room, “I need to tell both of you something.” I tell Fawn and Accerly.

“Is something wrong Ty?” Fawn asks.

“Not at all; I’ve never been happier thanks to your daughter. But I think you should know something about me though. I’m a shape shifter; and Avery is my mate.” I tell them.

“A shifter, that’s not the worst we’ve heard of! Welcome to the family Ty!” Fawn responds smiling.

Her husband on the other hand wasn’t as accepting, “Avery? But she’s nine?”

“Oh honey you were looking for your mate and found me. Ty is the same.” Fawn reminded him calmly.

“Yes but you weren’t nine! You were 17 and I was twenty.” Accerly responds firmly.

“Ty perhaps you should check on Avery, congratulations please don’t tell her though. You understand right?” She asks.

“Yes.” I leave the fighting couple to find Avery not in her room but in mine. “Avery what wrong? Don’t you like your room?” I ask.

“I don’t like being alone.” She responds giving me a hug.

“Why don’t we look around?” I ask.

She smiles and takes my hand as we explore the castle together.

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