Chapter 46- the moon in the sky

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Chapter 46


When Avery leaves Fawn stares at me for a moment and then walks back to her room satisfied that she and her family were safe or going to be. Zanara moved towards the cabinet and she got out a mug and began to make tea. She had one a navy blue knit sweater on and her eyes seemed larger and appeared to hold something new, something that I hadn’t noticed before, just the way they shimmered in the moon light was beyond me the night seemed, magical. Her hair was moved to one side of her neck she was wearing the ring I gave her and another one that she was wearing ever since we left her castle. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, Zanara smiled and let her attention go back to the tea she poured some into the mug and turned off the stove. She picked up the mug and looked out the kitchen window and then something changed as I watched her, my smile faded into a frown and then I realized what was happening. Zanara put her drink down and unlatched the window she looked closer at the moon or whatever it was she was staring at. I hear her breath in the night air and suddenly as she opens her eyes from the inhale her eyes are a teal green color. She begins to shake and then I hear bones begin to crack and shift into place, her wolf was taking over. First her feet shifted then her back spiked upwards and she whined from the pain. I grabbed her but her nails sharpened and her arms changed shape with the bones shifting and the hair growing on her body.

Her neck became thicker this was the most painful part and she winced from it. Ears spiked up from the top of her head as her human ones disappeared under the fur, a snout grew where her nose was and whiskers plucked from her black wet nose. Finally her teeth grew to a sharp tip and she howled from the final shift. Scared and unsure Zanara ran around the kitchen on all four becoming her wolf, and becoming wild, glasses broke and glass shattered. Avery and Ty were the first ones to arrive on the scene. Ty quickly knew that Avery would be in danger so he grabbed her and fled along with Haz and Tristan. I was glad that I wouldn’t have to worry about them now I only had to deal with Jelani. I had to coax Zanara out of the house and the only way to do that was to shift so I could communicate with her. We still had the mind link but she may have forgotten that, and her wolf needs to know mine and what we are. I move to an empty area and shifted into my large black wolf. I bark to her signaling she follows me, she did as told and we fled to the forest together.

My paws kicked up mud and other things but we eventually reached a river and I cleaned my paws off as Zanara sat down next to me. She licked her coat which was multi-colored.

Zanara? My wolf called out to her

Yes Damon?

Are you alright? Are there any broken bones?

Not that I know of. How did you not lose control like I did, with the wolf shifting?

It takes a lot of practice I can help you but I think we should go through the basics of do’s and don’ts.


Try to stay away from other animals and humans in case you lose control of your thirst or just attack because your wolf took over. We shift because our enemies are around us meaning the vampires but our wolves don’t know that there has been a treaty so when I shift I normally just patrol going around the castle making sure that there aren’t any trespassers or odd things going on that I may not know about. What I used to do was go to your castle and guard you.

She laughs and then looks at me straight in the eyes you were the black wolf I saw whenever I entered the forbidden forest you talked to me once.

Yes that was me I was only protecting you. There were vampires in the forest that day and you didn’t have any weapons that I saw and you were really tired. Jelani wasn’t with you so I tried to tell you to leave but scared you off instead which worked as well but you never really came back.

Will I have the urge to attack a vampire?

No because you are a vampire and…..that was when I remembered she didn’t drink any blood in a long time and her wolf would be ten times worse to be around when she went into shock. Zanara follow me, we need to get you some blood and quick. We run through the forest dodging trees and jumping over other obstacles. Finally I paused smelling the air, I smelt a bear and something else, something I wasn’t too familiar with. I continued to follow the scent of the bear and finally I reached it. Zanara didn’t take her time to attack she ran up to the bear and tore her paws into it I trotted closer to her to see if the bear was truly dead and it was. I looked at Zanara and saw that her eyes were now bright red from the thirst. Suddenly the scent in the air changed and it was the unfamiliar scent that I couldn’t pin point before. I hear a roar and a hiss that came from one of the trees in front of me. I saw green eyes staring back at us, I growled warning it that we would attack. However the beast didn’t stop it continued to make noise and move closer. Zanara hadn’t noticed it or even me next to her because she was so thirsty. Soon the green eyes moved faster bobbing up and down running towards us, Zanara’s head shot up from the bears flesh and she quickly turned around to see the animal run from the trees to attack her. Zanara leaped up in the air and shifted to human taking the beast down in one strong swing her fangs poked out from her gums as she bit into the neck of the mountain lion. When the blood was gone her wolf took over again and she lay down tired from the work and extra weight she was carrying as a wolf. I lay down next to her and we closed our eyes in defeat from all the work of the day. The forest was silent and calming all I could hear was Zanara’s heart beat and her steady breathing. Soon sleep swept me away.  


ON the side is what Zanara's wolf eyes look like

Also please check out my other book Give Me One More Day, I love working on it but I don't think anyone really reads it please just give it a chance and check it out

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