Chapter 12 - She's the one

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A picture of Avery is on the side****************


Chapter 12


The plane finally landed with a thud in Russia, “Alright where is he in Russia exactly?” I asked.

“Saint Petersburg, he needs a large population to feed on occasion he movies around so they seem port to port murders.”

We get off the plane and walk towards a man with black sunglasses and a suit and red tie. He smelt of alcohol and was in need of a shave. My hostage and he exchanged something in Russian; and then we were led to a car. We drove for about 45 minutes as the two men laughed and caught up I was thinking of Zanara and Jelani and the last words they said to me.

“Kid, we’re here.” My hostage responds while knocking on the car window.

“Thanks you, I have a question though. What’s your name?”

“My name is Afansi in Russian it means Immortal.”

“I’m Ty.”

“That’s great I didn’t ask.”

We walk towards the castle in silence and pass the guards. Afansi and the other man start to speak again but are cut off with the door opening. A man in black walks out and gives orders to the guards; finally he turns to us and speaks to Afansi in Russian and then orders the other man to leave.

“I didn’t know you would be bringing a friend Afansi.” The man I assume to be the real leader says.

“He forced me sir, I apologize.”

The man in black sticks his hand out to me, “Sedrik, you must be Ty I presume.”

“Yes I am here because I wish to know your plan against my brother and Zanara.”

“Don’t you say her name here!” He yells and spits on the ground.

“I apologize but why can’t I? After all you’re the one that wanted to capture her.”

“She is going to destroy this world I was going to be the one to kill her but that buffoon Damon had to get in the way; I just can’t believe my own brother would betray me like that.”

“Hold on who’s Damon?”

“Her mate. Why don’t you come inside?”

“Thank you.” We go into the home and sit in the garden.

Sedrik begins to talk in Russian once more and Afansi leaves to do some business.

“I understand that this may be a shock to you but Zanara isn’t just a shape shifter, she is a hybrid. We have no idea what species she is made up of but we know a few. Vampire, witch, shifter, and a pinch of werewolf is in her as well.”

“If Damon is Zanara’s mate then why’d he take Jelani?”

“We think that Zanara and Jelani have a bond that may be key to the prophecies or that they have a bond that if broken would have upset Zanara.”

“They are really close. So is Damon the bad guy or something?”


“Is there anything I can do to help get Jelani and Zanara back?”

“Send them a help signal if possible it could get them to realize they are prisoners and not guests.”

“I think that I still have a tracker chip in my body somewhere.”

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