Chapter 41 - Unknown visitor

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Chapter 41


We head out to do patrols but I stop in front of a small shelter we made in case we get lost, “Stay here.” I tell Iris.

“No not this time.”

“I heard gun shots when Vincent and Aislin were on patrol and Vincent had a limp; I don’t want you and our child to get hurt.”

“What if I have a miscarriage?”

“Don’t talk like that Iris.”

“But we have to think about that you know how rare it is for a shifter to have a child.”

“But we have good genes.”

“That doesn’t mean that everything will go perfectly.”

“Why are we having this conversation?”

“Because I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I’m having twins.” Iris shouts and drops to the ground and sobs into her hands.

I sit down next to her, “That isn’t a bad thing, Iris that is great news!”

“But that means it’s twice as likely that I have a miscarriage.”

I rub her back, “We can get through this all we have to do is tell the group and we can get you excused from the mission.”

“No that means I have to go home tell my parents that I’m pregnant and you would have to stay and go on patrols alone. You would be in danger and Zo would beat you up.”

“If I patrolled alone I wouldn’t worry about you getting hurt but if you were home I would be worried that something happened to you and I wouldn’t know about it. Let’s just run away.”

“That sounds childish, Tarum and you know that.”

“But it would be the easiest and fastest way to get the babies safe.”

“Tarum why don’t we talk about this with Aislin and Vincent.”

“No because we won’t see them until tomorrow and then you have to shift into a fish because we are going under water.”

“I’ll just fake sick well I won’t fake it because I have already started throwing up.”

“When did that happen?”

“This morning I excused myself from the tent and you were still asleep. It’s no big deal.”

“I’m supposed to take care of you that’s what a mate is supposed to do. I’m supposed to love you unconditionally and take care of you no matter what.”

“But I can take care of myself and you won’t let me care for you that way so why should I let you take care of me?”

“Because that’s how I show my love and I want you to show your love by just being you.”

“That’s the same thing I want but for you. If you want me to be me then let me take care of myself and let me care for you and in return I’ll let you love me the way you choose.”

I smile and nod my head in response. I grab her hand and say, “I can live with that. Shouldn’t we be talking about baby stuff though?” I try to change the subject and make her laugh. It was a beautiful laugh I knew I would never get sick of it; and I could make anyone laugh but her laugh was the only one I wanted to hear.

She giggled as I had hopped. “It doesn’t matter I know that even if you don’t know what to do at first  that you will be the perfect dad that anyone could ever ask for.” She looks up at me and smiles as she tilts to rest her head on my shoulder.

“I will never mean as much to the child as you will though because you will be the best mother in the history of the universe.” Our perfect moment was ruined by a scream off to the distance. I run ahead of her and shift into a mountain lion; I hear footprints and see a large vampire sprinting towards Iris. I block him from her view and bit his arm he continued to jump the obstacles and head towards Iris. I sprint towards him and claw his back peeling the clothes from his back. This time he shouts out in pain and turns towards me.

“Where is she!?!” He shouts at me. “This is not the girl I chose look at her arms they are perfect! Where is the shifter?”

I shift into a human and put my clothes on. “What are you talking about?”

“I chose a girl out here and killed a boy! Where is the girl? Tell me know or I.” He trails off and gives me an evil smile as he turns to face Iris. “Twins? That is very rare.” He turns back to me, “You must be the father I presume. It doesn’t matter anyway I see the way you look at her if the children aren’t yours then she must be your mate; if you don’t tell me where the girl is I will kill your children.”

Iris protects her belly as I step forward, “I need a description of the girl you ‘chose’ out here. There are more of us but there are two girls back at the camp.”

“She had freckles, blonde short hair with longer bangs; her eyes sparkled like emeralds. She was about five foot four; and skinny. She

had cuts on her arms; and has a cherry blossom scent to her."

“We have a girl similar to that but no cuts on her arms; but there is a town not too far from here maybe she wandered over there.”

He turns back to iris, “No she was a shift I saw it with my own eyes; the boy walked off probably with a severe limp. If you won’t help me find her I will just have to kill your children and possibly your mate.” He begins to walk towards Iris.

“Wait! What do you plan to do with the girl?”

“Does it matter?”

I look at Iris Aislin or the twins? I ask her

Aislin is my best friend I can get pregnant again.

But he will kill you next!

Maybe he just needs to tell Aislin something like maybe a telegram.

I nod my head, “I guess not; follow me.” I slowly lead him to the camp making as much noise as possible hoping to attract attention. We enter the camp as I lead him to Aislin’s tent, “Stay here.” I whisper to him. I wake up Aislin, “Someone is here to see you.” She gets up without hesitation and exits the tent. At that point I notice her arms they have names carefully carved into each one.

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