Chapter 23 - Our Time

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Chapter 23


I wake up to see Ty left a note by a plate of breakfast:

Avery I will think of a way for us to spend time without your mom knowing. I hope you enjoy breakfast and I hope to see you soon.

~love Ty

I smiled as I read it then I hid the note in my nightstand and began to eat breakfast. I don’t think I have ever eaten this much because Sedrik starved us. I changed into clothes that were laid out for me probably by Ty. Most people would’ve probably thought that to be creepy but I thought it was sweet. I got ready and walked to the entertainment area to find Ty and Jelani sitting on the couch and my mom giving them both the death stare. She probably thinks that Jelani is Sky’s mate too! But it’s impossible their brother’s if Ty and I get married they become related. Ty looks at me and smiles but goes back to Jelani; I walk over to my mom and pull her to the side, “Can you give him a break?”

“No he told you something that you are too young to know about.”

“I think I’m taking it well.”

“But you just don’t understand you haven’t realized what you have to do with him or what you mean to him.”

“I don’t care; at least Ty treats me better then you.”

“How dare you say that? Go to your room right now!”

“I’m not listening to you anymore the only one I’ll listen to is Ty! I clearly mean more to him!” I shout back.

Ty stops talking and turns to me and stands up he grabs my hand and walks me into another room. “Avery you need to still respect your mom even if you don’t agree with what she says. Avery I’ll be fine I might be uncomfortable but we still have the night. Go have fun for the rest of day.”

“But what about you?”

“I’ll be fine.”

I walk off in defeat I went to find my brothers but instead I find a garden with a pool I run back to my room to change. I walk back out to the pool and jump in. I went near the man-made waterfall and let the water shower me, my vision was blurred but I could see shapes on the outside. I exit the waterfall and adjust my vision and see a figure towards the shore of the pool; I couldn’t recognize the face because it was far away. The person moves closer and jumps in they slowly make their way to me as I think of a way to escape if needed. I begin to swim towards the pool ladder to exit the pool. The figure reaches the pools surface and I recognize who it is.

“Ty, you scared me.”

“Avery I want to show you something.” Ty says grabbing my hand he leads me under the waterfall into a hidden cave.

“How did you find this?” I asked.

“I saw the rock and then the gap when I was underwater.” He leads me towards the end of it. “Now if your mom goes to the pool she won’t see us because we are hidden in the cave.”

“You came up with that idea fast.”

Ty knocks on the rocks they all sounded the same until he reached the rocky area that ended the tunnel. It was hollow; Ty goes underwater and the rocks shift opening up a pathway. He swims towards what seems to be a water fall but ends up being a waterslide. He grabs me before he falls we glide down into a large pool. Ty walks out and finds several doors leading to mysterious destinations. I follow him into one of the rooms which open up into a kitchen; we enter another room which is a bedroom. And the other rooms are bathrooms entertainment room and another bedroom.

“We could live here.” I say jumping onto one of the beds.

Ty smirks and cradles me in his arms and carries me to the entertainment room. We watch TV for about an hour before my stomach growls. Ty gets up and goes to the kitchen and fifteen minutes later he comes back with a tray full of food. He sets it down in front of me and puts his arm around me as he sits down. I grab the slice of pizza and drink down the soda he gave me. Next my eyes moved to the fries as I dipped each of them into the ketchup finally I ate the apple and Ty took away my tray. We watch the rest of the movie and when it’s over Ty shuts everything off and turns to me, “We should head back before your mom gets suspicious.”

“Good idea.” I respond getting up.

We walk back towards the waterfall while telling jokes and laughing. We enter the pool and separate from each other as I walk into the castle and go to my room. And shower I dry off and change into sweat pants and a t-shirt I walked down the stairs and saw my mom watching Ty closely.

“Mom enjoy yourself here I already am.”

“Not until I know that he doesn’t love you anymore.”

“That’s not going to happen, mom. You should know that forbidding him from seeing me will only make him and I like each other even more. We want to taste the forbidden fruit.”

“When did you grow up?”

“When you weren’t looking.” I respond walking to the library and choosing one of the books that looked interesting. I flipped it open and begun to read. The library doors open as Jelani walks in.

“Are you really his mate?”

“I think so.” I respond closing the book.

“Do you love him?”

“I think so but then again if you ask my mom I’m just nine. So what would I know?”

“Avery you still need to listen to your mother. She just wants you to be happy.”

“If she really loved me she would see that I’m happy.”

“She calmed your dad down when Ty told them. I think she thought you would be happy with Ty.”

“That was until she found out he told me. I don’t want Ty keeping secrets from me; and that includes you.” I stand up and walk down the stairs and sit on the couch.

Jelani follows me, “Avery if you really love him you need to keep your mother at bay.”

“She doesn’t deserve the title if she makes my mate disown me then she isn’t my mother or anyone’s for that matter.”

“He won’t disown you, Ty knows better than that; he loves you and wouldn’t ever hurt you.”

“I know but I don’t want my mom to hurt him.”

“That’s why you have to keep her away. Are you a shifter?”

“I don’t know. I think I’m half human but my parents won’t tell me because they think I’m too young. But I’ll be ten in two days.”

Jelani walks away as I make my way back to the book I was reading.

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