Chapter 24- The confrontation

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Chapter 24


I woke up from my horrible nightmares and remembered where I was and what happened last night. I checked the time and it was 8:00 am. I had only slept for 4 hours. I saw that clothes were laid out for me probably by Damon; I jumped into the shower. While in the shower I began to cry thinking of how my mother had pretty much just disowned me. I couldn’t believe that the woman I called mom for 18 years just disowned me because I was different. I hate her! Why would she do that to me? I got out of the shower and changed into the t-shirt and shorts that were laid out for me. I jump out of my window and run to the meadow; I see Damon standing in the middle of the clearing with a picnic basket and blanket laid out. I sit down and grab a roll I eat it quickly.

“Have you talked or seen your mother since last night?” Damon asked.

“No I thought she was still passed out. Besides I don’t want to see Sapphire ever again.”

“She’s your mother.”

“Not according to her she disowned me.”

“Zanara stop acting like a child.”

“I’m not acting like a child! My mother doesn’t love me my dad is dead all I have is my siblings and you. Jelani doesn’t count anymore because he won’t be my best friend when he finds out we’re engaged.”

“Calm down Zanara.” Damon replies. He hands me a blood box and I drink it down quickly.

“I just don’t know what to do I wanted to see my family but I didn’t think of how much I changed. I just really missed them and it seems like they didn’t even notice I never came to visit when I said I would. Do I not mean that much to them?”

“Zanara I’m sure that your siblings want to see you more often.”

Zanara smiles and says, “They really like you. I think they like you more than Jelani.” She hugs me, “I just still can’t get over the fact that I’m engaged.”

“Did you think that the man you would marry would be human… and Jelani?”

“Sometimes; but I’m glad you helped me ignore my feelings for Jelani. Jealousy makes him a monster.”

“Zanara don’t say that. Jelani just has really strong feelings for you.”

I roll my eyes, “Well I guess that is the price of being beautiful.” I laughed and lay down to look at the clouds and Damon did the same. We looked at the clouds for a while until we hearing kids giggling. Zacara, Karah and Hari run towards us and lie down next to us.

Hari asks, “Damon do you want to play video games?”

Damon looks at me, I roll my eyes and think to him go have fun!

Damon smiles and jumps up as him and Hari race to the castle.

“So what happened to Jelani?” Zacara asked.

“Damon is my mate; at we left Jelani at Damon’s castle.” I explained.

“Whoa Damon has a castle?” Karah asked.

“Yes he’s a prince of a vampire world and once we get married I will rule with him.”

“Talk about your princess fairytale.” Zacara jokes.

“Why don’t you like Jelani?” Karah asks.

“We made a SLAYER promise and it was to never fall in love with each other. He has been relying on me way too long. Damon taught me to ignore my feelings for Jelani and now I know why.”

“I like Damon better!” Karah says.

“I like Jelani still.” Zacara counters.

“That’s fine but I’m marrying Damon.”

“Why?” Zacara wined.

“Because we are mates and I want to save his kingdom.”

“You’re not telling me something.” Zacara points out.

“Fine, Damon and I are in prophecies.”

The girls look at each other as their jaws drop, “Cool!” They say in unison.

I stand up and say, “Let’s go visit mom.”

Zacara looks at me as if I’m crazy, “What about what happened last night?”

“Damon removed that memory from her mind.” I explain.

Zacara shrugs her shoulders and follows behind Karah and I. We pass the pond with ducks swimming in it; next we pass the outdoor training area where five devoted students are training. We finally reach the castle and go to our mothers’ room, “Stay here.” I whisper to the girls. I slowly walk into her room and sit next to the bed. Ready to face the woman that I call my mother; I see her eyes flutter open and immediately they dart towards me. She opens her mouth to say something…

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