Chapter 44- target practice

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Chapter 44


The paper starts on fire but I feel no pain like I had expected. I see Damon staring at me with an attractive smirk as the fire began to die down. But not because Damon stopped adding to his flames but because I used my water in which I created. Damon walks up to me and takes the sheet of paper, “Zanara what are you reading?” He looks at the paper and puts it back on the desk, “I keep no secrets from you; if you wanted to know what I was just ask. There is no need to sneak around.”

“Fine then tell me everything about you then.”

“We don’t have enough time.”

“Really what happened to ‘forever’?”

Jelani gages at the sight of Damon and I being together I smile and Damon pulls farther away from me and looks to the ground.

Jelani chimes in, “Why did you make a huge deal of being a cross anyway?”

Damon looks at him, “Because it’s a big deal, I was only trying to warn you I didn’t think you would get so mad that you would go through my personal library.”

“Damon quit acting innocent! You tried to bite me.”

“I was defending myself after you stabbed me.”

I suddenly remember that Damon was injured I quickly turn him around and see that his shirt is torn but the skin is fine it looks like he didn’t even get scratched let alone stabbed, “There isn’t a marking though.” I say.

Damon turns around, “Of course there’s not I’m a vampire we heal 10 times faster than humans.” Damon starts to clean up his desk and puts the books back, “If it would make you guys feel better I can give you access to this room and show you where the entrance is so you don’t have to crawl through the bookshelves.”

“Thank you Damon.” I say as I grab his hand and hop off of the desk Jelani sits in the room and doesn’t move a muscle while Damon and I leave him to do what he wants. Damon shows me to the training room and opens a hidden room that looks somewhat the same but darker.

“This is an enchanted training room nothing will get wet or set on fire and burn down because of our powers. I noticed that you didn’t feel pain from the fire when I set fire to the paper and you watered out the fire by water you created. You are like me a crossover, I don’t know how but you are.”

“Was your mom a water elemental?”

“Yes and that’s why she didn’t kill you with fire while my dad was killed by a water elemental. But my mother didn’t kill him, I was just born when he went out and never came back the next day his body was found in the forest and it was soaked.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, let’s just start training, all you have to do is throw a ball of fire at the target visualize it.” I do as he says and easily hit the target next I throw water on the fire. Damon looks at me, “I don’t think you need to be taught anything Avery must have helped you with these skills.”

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