Chapter 14- A sign of hope

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Chapter 14


I couldn’t believe my dreams and thoughts that night; I a 16 year old shape shifter and I already found my mate. Avery, Avery, Avery she was my world now and the only thing I could thing about. I wake up to find Avery gone and Sky crying in her crib. I pick up Sky and give her a bottle; while thinking of my brother. Would he be proud of me? I don’t think I really care anymore I know he’s the one that’s safe. I just can’t believe Sedrik lied to me. Sky falls back to sleep in my arms quickly I set her back into her crib and follow the scent of food. I enter the kitchen to busy servants working their hearts out. To my surprise I couldn’t find Avery; I smelt the air hoping to track her scent and sure enough I did. I followed it into a hidden passage that was open; I heard screaming coming from inside I could feel anger build up inside me as I heard the whip crack, and the laughter of Sedrik. I quickly followed the noise and see Avery being whipped and crying her eyes out from the pain.

“It’s about time you woke up Ty! You made a bold move last night; and now thanks to you Afansi is dead!” He yelled but continued to whip through it.

Avery looked up as tears fell from her face, “Ty get out of here!” She yelled to me.

I stood my ground and waited for Sedrik to move the conversation forward but instead he just continued to whip her.

He paused from his whipping and looked at me, “Aren’t you going to help her? Don’t you want to know what she did this time? Or should I say didn’t do?” He paused, “I caught her doing other children’s chores and doing things I didn’t order her to do! Like making you breakfast.” He laughed.

I felt my eyes turn red I was close to shifting but stopped myself. I knew I couldn’t show Avery what I was yet she wasn’t ready. I calmly approached him; his confused look enlightened me. I took out my gun that I held in my belt and held it to his head. He didn’t flinch but instead smirked I readied the trigger but he pushed me away and backed into the wall ready to charge if he needed to. I shot out his knee and got out my knife I untied Avery, “Run to the nursery.” She did as I asked. But Sedrik was gone from where I left him. Hearing that muffled scream broke my heart I knew that Avery was my true north, my real mate, the other half of me. I kicked Sedrik in the head and grabbed Avery she clung to me as if her life counted on it. I set her down on the first step of the hidden pathway next I turned to Sedrik and turned into a wolf with a growl. Sedrik laughed but I was able to pin him down in a second his face turned more serious. He pushed me off of him and threw me to a wall his fangs escaped his gums as he hissed with thirst. I scratched his face but it healed quickly so I bit his arm but that too healed quickly. I scratched and bit him as much as I could I turned into human and put my clothes back on. I reach for my knife so I could finish the job and find he disappeared.

“You didn’t think it would have been that easy did you? I was in line for the thrown we have to protect ourselves.” Sedrik said while clinging to the ceiling.

I jumped up on the curtains to follow but just as I reached about halfway he jumped down to the ground. I threw a knife at him right when he was going to leave and find Avery he screamed out in pain. Next I dropped to the floor and got out my hatchet, “Any last words?” I asked.

“If you kill me your brother and Zanara will be dead and there will be no way for you and Avery to escape this place is locked down.” He responded smirking.

“I heard you and Afansi talking and I know you are the bad guys! I’m not just freeing Avery I’m freeing everyone.”

“Where will you go?”

“Do you care?” With that I finished the job. I smelt the air and ran to the nursery to find Avery gathering the kids up they had everything packed.

“Ty are we really leaving like you said?” Haz asked.

“When did I say that?” I responded.

“We heard the fight.” Tristan said.

“Oh well yes you can come with me if you want.” I finally saw Avery get up from the corner she was sitting in. She clearly didn’t want to hear the fight but she was brave; I picked her up, “Gather everyone that will want to leave Avery. Can you do that for me?” I asked.

“I think so.” She hopped down and ran to get the others.

“Where are we going Ty?” Haz asked.

I hadn’t thought of that; I just wanted them to be safe and nothing more. We could go to England but they were taken not traveling without me. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it though. I want everyone to double check that they have everything they want to bring. I’ll be back.” I walked out of the room and found Avery helping her parents pack. She looked up and smiled at me with her big blue eyes, “Avery do you know where Zanara and my brother are?”

“I heard master talking about them and his brother Damon. He said that they were in Nebraska.”

“Did he say a city?”

“Um I think he said Waverly or something like that.”

“Waverly Nebraska; that’s where we are going Avery!” I shouted happily.

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