Chapter 50- the reunion

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Chapter 50


We finally landed in the airport and gathered our bags but it was when we were leaving the airport that things seemed odd.

“Where did you just come from?” Anita asked walking up to me, I also realized it was the first sentence that she said to me that wasn’t an order.


“Is Zo with you?”

“No, he is still at the old base.”

“Why did you leave him?”

“He was injured and was probably still mad at Tarum.”

“I have to go back and get him the werewolves are planning an attack and are going to kill him in two days.”

“So, I thought you hated him for almost killing your sister.”

“I am but stuff happened you can talk to her about that.”

“So are you taking a plane or are you shifting?”

“I don’t know I have a beta group of student that I have to take with me and Miles.”

“Miles? Why are you bringing him?”

“He wanted to come along.”

“Good luck with Zo.”

“Aren’t you going to come with us?”

“Not now, but if you need help with protection and back up call us.”

I walk away with Tarum and Iris as we get into a cab.

The cab only takes us to the edge of the forest and we grab out luggage and walk through the woods.

“Thank you Aislin for coming with us.” Tarum says breaking the silence.

I smile, “It’s the least I could do with all the trouble I’ve caused with that Terrance guy.”

“I still don’t understand what was up with him.”

“I don’t even want to think about it.”

We finally reached the castle and saw new students try to take their first shift ever, I remember mine. It was so awkward and it seemed like everyone knew what they were doing.

I look towards Iris and Tarum, “Do you guys remember your first shift?”

Iris smiles, “Yes, I was lioness and Tarum was a snow tiger, I remember that they said that the first animal you shift into is never voluntary it is almost forced and is either your spirit animal or your personality as an animal.”

I smiled, “Mine was a deer, the teacher always made fun of me because she thought I was the complete opposite of a deer.”

We continued into the castle as Mrs. Deriana welcomed us, “Well if it isn’t the rest of the rouge searching group. Welcome back and congratulations Iris and Tarum. I heard about the engagement.”

Tarum smiled as Iris told her the other news, “And we’re expecting.”

Mrs. Deriana smiled, “I figured that that was why you came back here.”

Tarum replied, “We were also here to visit with Zanara.”

Almost instantly Zacara appeared next to her mother she shook her head, “Why don’t you come with me?” She looks at her mother, “You’re needed in room number 327 immediately, something about holding a council meeting.”

Her mother nods and leaves.

Zacara smiles, “Something happened with Zanara and my mom, it is best not to mention her name around her. My mom tried to kill Zanara and well I’ll just show you.”

We followed Zacara into her room as Tarum asked a quick question, “Is Jelani here?”

Zacara shook her head, “No he is with Zanara in the vampire world, as is Ty. I think they should tell you the rest.” She picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Yes, Zanara your friends are here to see you, Tarum, Iris and Aislin. Ok, I’ll let them know.” She turns to us, “She’ll be here in a minute.”

“But how she is all the way in the vampire realm?” I asked.

“Zanara is different now, she has her ways.” We were led back outside where Zanara was waiting.

“Hey guys, long time no see. How have you been?” She asked.

I responded, “Things have been interesting.” I told her about the vampire Terrance.

“Oh my god, why don’t we let you guys get settled in?” Zanara directs us to hold hands and stand in a circle and close our eyes, she told us to open them and we were in a different place, “This is my castle, while you guys were gone a lot happened.” A man appeared next to her, his eyes were red.

He smiled and held out his hand, “Hello, you must be Zanara’s friends, my name is Damon.”

Tarum didn’t move, “You’re a vampire.”

“Very observant, yes I am, also I am the heir to the thrown of the vampire world.”

“Why would Zanara be here with you?”

Zanara explains, “He’s my mate, oh and Ty found his mate too.” She leads us to a small girl, “This is Avery, and she is Ty’s mate.”

“That’s wonderful, so Jelani found his or no?” I asked.

“Sadly no but we are going to start working on that.” She explained.

“I’m sorry but this is kind of hard to comprehend, Zanara has a vampire as a mate and she’s been hunting them her whole life.” Tarum interrupts.

“Yes, but I’m also part vampire and a heap load of other breads. Since I’m marrying Damon that makes me future queen of the vampire realm.”

“Wow and I thought I had big news.” Iris responds.

“What’s your news?” Zanara asked.

“I’m getting married to Tarum and I’m pregnant with twins.” She explained.

“When is the wedding, when are you due?” Zanara asked all at once.

“I’m due in about 7 months and we haven’t even thought about the wedding.” Iris responded.

“I just started planning mine with my mom.” Zanara said. Damon whispered something in Zanara’s ear and she looked worried, “Why don’t we move this party to a different room?” She led us down a few flights of stairs and into a room with many weapons.

“Zanara what is going on?” I asked.

“Just a few unwanted visitors, it happens every now and then but Damon is going to take care of it. But if I tell you to do something, you are going to have to listen. Avery, Jelani and Ty will be here soon with a few others.” The door opened as the came in.

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