Chapter 13 - A fight to the death

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Chapter 13


I see Zanara’s body go limp right as she hits the floor my eyes go to Damon as he picks her up. “What did you do to her?” I screamed.

“Jelani I didn’t do anything she’s stressed and needs blood. She hasn’t been drinking enough.” He responded calmly.

“What are you talking about she drinks the stupid blood constantly? How can she not be getting enough?”

“It’s a complicated matter Jelani.” He responds with a smirk.

“Do you know what’s going on? Do you think this is funny?”

“It’s not funny and I only know half of what’s going on.”

“Then tell me what’s happening!”

“I thought you would’ve caught on by now. Don’t you remember the prophecies?”

“Yes but none of them match up to this situation.”

“Yet; none of them match up yet. Zanara has to make a choice between two worlds, two families, and two men.”

“She won’t choose!”

“Jelani, I know you want her to choose you but I also know your scared on what has to happen after that.”

“Shut up; I’m not like you I just can’t drop everything I’m doing for Zanara I have a mind of my own and I don’t follow her around like a puppy dog unlike you.”

“Listen to what you just said. Is one thing that comes out of your mouth that isn’t ironic or sarcasm? I’m a werewolf so at one point I was a puppy.”

“Damon, Zanara isn’t going to pick you!”

“Jelani it doesn’t matter but all I need you to do is make sure you don’t influence her to make a decision. And don’t tell her about the decision. She would just pass out again.”

“So she’s just stressed?”

“Pretty much but it’s just that she has so many breeds that her emotions overflow. Just wait until the prophecies are complete you’ll have a lot to worry about.”

“Do you think she’ll choose me?”

“Jelani she’s known you since, well forever. She’s just remembering me and the time we spent together.”

“But I just feel like you’re drugging me so you can get her to choose you.”

“Jelani, if I did that the prophecies wouldn’t work; Zanara would be killed. Everything I do and ever will do is to protect her. Even if that means letting you love her.”

“Is the curse real?”

“Yes,” he put Zanara down on the couch and played the movie. We slowly walked to a corner in the castle. He then pushed in a brick and the wall turned into an open pathway. Damon grabbed a torch and led me down it, “When a SLAYER promise is made the gods that put us on this earth recreate the scene and hold it in an orb. The orb is then placed in storage until the promise is broken. When that happens the earth freezes even the people the only ones unfrozen are the ones included in the promise the gods comes down and set a curse on them. On occasion they will give you a chance to undo the promise if possible. The funny part of it is they always do something ironic. If you say I promise to not hurt the environment anymore but you break it then when you go outside trees will trip you with their roots, or tree bark will bark at you, or if you go into a pond or lake the waves will constantly hit you so you only breathe water.”

“How is that funny?”

“When it’s not happening to you it is kind of funny, anyway my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather SLAYER promised my grandmother that he wouldn’t drink human blood ever again because she was human. The punishment was that we could only drink human blood when we were in hiding it was hard to strain ourselves. But the other curse was that if we drank animal blood or any substitute we would melt from the inside out. When I found out about the prophecies with Zanara and the fact that I was her mate I refused to drink human blood. My parents wouldn’t give me anything else because they lived in fear of the curse and what would happen.” He stopped and pushed in another brick as stairs appeared right in front of him. “This is the attic I thought we could catch up; I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot but I would like to make you feel like a guest. I’ll continue my story; so I went out on my own for the first time and found a grizzly bear the blood lust overcame me and I brought down the bear. The blood never tasted so good I went home and told my parents and we had a celebration that the curse was over. So Jelani yes the curse is real.”

“Why are we in the attic though?”

“That’s what you took from my story? I didn’t want Zanara to wake up with us there acting like nothing happened she would be furious.”

“Why would she be mad?”

“Because she will think that we just let her pass out and not do anything to help her. But we moved her to the couch and attached a blood IV to her.”

I walked back towards the area we came I didn’t want to talk to Damon. He was my competition for Zanara’s heart a prize that I will share with no one. I reach Zanara faster than I thought I would have; and to my surprise she’s awake.

“Hi Jelani.” She responds as if nothing happened I see that someone else is with her and its Damon.

“How did you get here so fast?” I asked him.

“Vampire speed.” He responded quickly.

“Zanara do you remember anything that happened,” I asked?

“Yes I remember that you wouldn’t let the thought of me liking another guy slip through your mind. And the fact that you made me more stressed made me fill with anger so in a result I fainted.” She responded as she returned her attention to the juice box that was in her hand. I eventually noticed it was labeled blood. Damon smirks at that thought; I wasn’t going to let him win this battle.

“Zanara I just wanted to know what’s going on his mom brings up that you two are engaged you tell me otherwise but I haven’t heard from Damon.” I ask.

“I agree to whatever Zanara wants.” Damon responds.

“But that’s not an answer it’s just her answer.” I yell.

“At least Damon stands by my side. He knows what’s going to happen and what I have to do. So is it a crime to have a relationship with him?” She questions.

“Well, I know what’s going to happen.” I respond looking into her eyes.

“Jelani shut up!” Damon warned.

“What?” Zanara looked towards Damon, “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Jelani I told you not to tell her.” He turns to Zanara, “If you here this you might faint from stress again."

Zanara gets up and runs to here room with vampire speed, “Why did you ruin everything,” I screamed?”

“Jelani I asked you not to tell her but you didn’t listen I told you she would get upset.” He responded calmly.

“How can you be calm about this? Zanara is mad at both of us! Wake up Damon she’s not normal! She’s changing.”

“Do you want me to get mad? I can get mad for you Jelani! Ever since you got here I’ve been holding back but this is the last straw.” He turns into a werewolf with a growl.

I get out my knife and jump towards him.

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