Chapter 34- Shall we Dance?

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Chapter 34


“I’m a whitelighter.” Avery said.

My jaw dropped; as Ty who was sitting in the dining room just behind us put his hands on his neck and stared down at the table. His forehead touched his forearms; he eventually looked up and walked over to Avery he cupped her cheek. Avery’s hand reached for his but he pulled away and sat on the arm of the sofa. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Ty asked as his eyes started to fill with water.

“Ty, I’m sorry I just thought you wouldn’t love me if I told you.” Avery explains.

“I would’ve loved you but now I feel betrayed and lied to.”

“I didn’t lie to you I just didn’t’ tell you.” Avery begins to raise her voice as a tear escapes her eye.

“I told you everything about me in the first week I met you!”

“Did I ask you to do that?” Avery fires back.

Ty’s head stares back at the floor. I get up as Avery rushes out of the room; I follow her into her room.

“Leave me alone!” Avery shouts at me.

“I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and that...”

She cut me off, “What? That what Ty said wasn’t true; but it was.” She cups her face and sobs harder.

I sit down on the floor and become eye level with her she leans against the wall and shifts on the floor. “Avery, he’ll get over it; he just needs to cool down.”

She sniffles, “Do you really think so?”

“I know so.” I smile towards Avery, “I mean Damon accepted me when he found out that I was a witch and all these other breeds.”

Avery’s head quickly pulls out of her hands and she quickly scoots away, “Ar-are you and evil witch?” She asks.

“No; I don’t even have powers.”

“I can teach you if you want to find out if you really do have powers or not.”


“Yea my mom checked me I can only do some spells but I takes a lot of my energy.” Avery gets up and offers to help me up I take her hand and stand up. She leads me to the basement and grabs some knives along with water. She takes the knife and makes a small cut on her stomach, “Don’t tell Ty about this okay; I’m supposed to cut from my finger but if he saw that he would flip and think that someone did it or he made me so depressed that I did it to myself.” She explains. She bleeds into a bowl and pours the water into a different bowl. She then places them on opposite sides of the room. She looks around looking for something and gives up once again she grabs the knife, “Tell Ty that I fell.” After that she cuts her finger and begins to draw in blood on the floor. When she is done she explains, “That is a pentagram it represents earth, fire, water, air and spirit. Or a witch’s circle; now all I need is a chalice.” She turns around and finds one sitting on a table. She places it in the middle of the pentagram.

“What now?” I asked.

She moves me to a wall, “I need you to try to move a knife with your mind focus on the object then think of where you want it to go. Or how you want it to move; you can chant it in your mind or just think about it.” I focus on the knife and close my eyes I want it to hit the target’s bulls eye in the corner of the room. I think of it spinning as if I threw it to the target when I hear a thud. I open my eyes to see Avery staring at me in awe. “Ok now I need you to try to move the water you can think of cupping it in your hands or you can just imagine it. When you cup your hands it acts as an invisible bowl to the water. I need you to move it to the bowl in the middle of the pentagram.”

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