❛ 013 ➣ preference.

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babysitting with them.

- joel is very good with kids once you get him eased into it, you know? obviously he's got two girls of his own so he knows a thing or two about kids.
- he'll know just how to make the kid stop crying or what to do for fun if it's a little boy you're watching.
- joel is an awful cook so that part falls to you. give the man a grill on the other hand? then you're in business.
- he'll play little songs for the kid on his guitar and you'll sing along when it's nap time. it's awfully cute.
- if it's a baby expect to see the very rare gentle papa joel come out. he's so scared of dropping the baby or scaring it.
- "you take him," he'll tell you, a nervous look on his face. you'll just be like, "no you're doing fine, i gotta go to the bathroom."
- ^ lies.
- joel with kids always makes you smile.
- you know there was a theory that in the span of the five years we didn't see that joel was one of the people who helped find and welcome lost children into jackson. papa joel™️

- ellie is surprisingly so good with kids. i mean did you see her with potato? and the snowball fight?
- she knows how to have a good time so it's always so much fun. she'll have the kid laughing for hours.
- feels like you're babysitting two children instead of one. ;-)
- her and the kid having prank wars that you unexpectedly walk into. a water balloon to the face or something.
- "ellie how old are you?"
- she's staring at her shoes to hide the smile on her face, biting her lip to stop laughing. it's so funny to her but you're just there like >:(
- she does well with younger kids and maybe, depending on the temperament, babies.
- kid may learn a few swears–

- uncle tommy to the rescue, he's fantastic with children.
- you'll babysit for some friends of yours from time to time and he's always down to help you whenever he can. he's a big child at heart.
- you'll walk into the kitchen to find the two having a staring contest and tommy purposely blinks. "darn, looks like i lost." he'll wink at you because you know he did it to make the child happy.
- piggy back rides from uncle tommy.™️
- he's just so fucking down to help out because he LOVED spending time with joel and sarah back in the day.
- he'll let the child help him out with some of the chores at home like lifting things because he's "not strong enough."
- he thinks it gets him brownie points from you and it does.

- obviously she is FANTASTIC with children.
- cooking? don't worry about it, dina's got it covered. (she will let you help though.)
- you'll have these dance parties in your living room and it's always such a blast. she's a fun person & kids just love her.
- you'll probably have to spend time outside, dina doesn't seem like a homebody. she's gotta go out and have fun.
- you'll go horseback riding just outside the gates, take the child to the little playground and so on.
- she's definitely an undercover best mom.

- IF you can get her to agree to it, it's a very unusual thing. abby's not one to normally spend time around the kids because she feels better doing things outside of camp like, defensive and all.
- from time to time she'll drop by when you're babysitting and you convince her to stay for a bit.
- if it's a little girl she practically begs abby to braid her hair like hers, so abby ends up doing that.
- you teasing her that she'd be a good mom and she's like, "no."
- generally speaking you do most of the things when there's kids around because like i said, abby's not typically a kid person.
- except when the kid is lev.
- she'll play sports with the lil bean if they ask, she seems like she'd be a great softball player. (you have to warn her to be gentler about it, though.)

- the kid will automatically run to jesse and they'll just abandon you. </3 like he's so good with kids.
- lots of jokes and he always finds a way to keep them occupied. like your head hurts he'll swoop in with, "hey bud, wanna go play outside for a bit?"
- he helps you make them lunch and everything. he's a big help.
- "when are we gonna have a kid?" he'll tease you, snickering when you drop whatever is in your hand.
- "no time soon, lover boy."
- let king jesse be a dad 2k21.
- anyway, jesse's such a good guy to have around when you're babysitting because kids just love him?? he keeps them under control without being an ass about it (they probably look up to him or something) and it always warms your heart.

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❛ i forgot a couple characters but it's fine. you all deserved some new content.

࿔ rhae ♡

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