࿔ ellie imagine.

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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: as briefly mentioned in the last preference , you go stargazing with ellie. smut implied at the end but nothing too serious, this time. :^)

Nightfall is already nearing by the time Ellie Williams, finally, finds the time to retire to her little home. It's been a busy day, so dreadfully busy that she hadn't seen her beloved girlfriend all day.

She sluggishly pushes the door open, pressing inside with a hopefulness of finding you awake reading or watching a movie. She could savor nothing more than laying next to you, playing with your hair while you exchanged murmured conversation and playful little kisses. The disappointment that washes over her at the sight of her bed empty has her huffing and muttering curses under her breath while she works to remove her shoes. She could have sworn you said you'd be there when she got home, you were always there.

Ellie's just about gotten herself undressed to collapse into bed when a knock at her door halts the process. She debates telling whoever it is to go away, it's too late for human interaction and she's too tired, but she still drags herself over to the door, pulling it open to find you standing outside. A warm smile on your lips is the first thing she notices, a blanket folded over your arms and a pillow or two dangling from your fingers.

"What's this?" She questions, curiosity getting the best of her, as always. She's never asked you to bring extra pillows or blankets when you sleep over so it couldn't possibly be that - unless you'd finally gotten tired of her hogging the blankets at night.

A childish grin replaces the smile you once wore, the same grin she had seen several times before when you had a surprise for her. "Well," you step backwards to a spot on the grass, laying the blanket down first before dropping the pillows side by side. "I thought we could watch the stars a bit? We haven't had a date in a while and I just thought it'd be nice."

Ellie can't help the smile lingering on her lips at your suggestion, even through the exhaustion she can't find it in her to say no to you. "That sounds pretty damn good to me, babe." She agrees, laughing at your giddy smile as you lower yourself to sprawl out on the blanket. She joins by your side, slipping an arm around your shoulders before your head hits the pillow and sighing. This was better than sleep, so much better.

At first there's a comfortable silence between the two of you, both of you shuffling around to get comfortable before gazing up at the sky. It warms the auburn haired girl's heart when she thinks about why you suggested this as a date: her fascination with the universe. It hadn't been the first time you'd suggested something that involved her favorite things; once before you'd stayed up playing video games all night, another time you'd gotten water guns and childishly hunted each other around Jackson.

Needless to say, Maria had banned the two of you from water gun fights.

Ellie made a mental note to plan your next date herself, she had a few things in mind that you'd like. Next time she could surprise you after a long day, but for now, she was happy to have you laying snuggled into her side, fingertips tracing patterns over the fabric covering her stomach.

After a moment of conversation about your day, your focus shifted back to the sky above you. "Which moon is that?" You wondered, glancing over to your girlfriend for an answer.

She stared at it for a moment, taking in the almost full moon shining down at you. "Waning Gibbous, I think." A cocky smile presses over her lips at your playful eye roll, laughing when you retort something along the lines of her being a nerd.

Ellie always loves quiet moments with you, the rare occasion when she can drop all of her worries and thoughts, if only for just a second. The arm around your shoulder curves, allowing her to tilt your head towards her with her hand; she leans close to press her lips to your temples. "This is just what I needed today, thank you, babe."

You nod in response, turning on your side so that you can look at both her and the sky, but mostly Ellie. A soft, barely noticeable smile remains on your lips as you watch her watching the stars in fascination. If nothing else, you can't deny that view to be one of your favorites.

This continues for a moment, you watching your girlfriend with a hazy, lovesick smile and her staring up at the twinkling stars. Every now and then she'll point to a few stars, telling you their names or some other little interesting fact about it. Other times she'll sigh, in thought, before pulling herself back to reality and staring over at you.

"Staring is rude, you know." She comments when she catches you staring again, a teasing little smirk on her lips when you look away.

Carefully, you shift around until you're able to throw a leg over her waist, moving to lay on her chest and out of habit, her hands immediately move to your waist. A cheeky smile pulls over your lips when she stares at you with a curious look, peering down at her with a very serious gaze. "It's not my fault you're so pretty to look at."

Ellie rolls her eyes in response, scoffing at your words. She's expecting you to playfully smack her shoulder for not accepting just how lovely looking she is but instead you sigh, resting your head on her chest. "You're hopeless, Ellie." You scold, though there's a teasing tone to your voice that makes her smile.

To Ellie, there's nothing better than the situation she's currently in. How can she not be satisfied with life when she has you laying on her, staring up at her with loving eyes and the stars twinkling up above. She's quick to label this as one of her favorite nights with you.

Ellie's not one hundred percent sure who initiated the first soft, lingering kiss between the two of you, nor does she care much. All she really cares about is the way your lips move to greet hers every few minutes and the moon glow up above. She'd be more than happy to abandon the later of the two if you wished, eagerness overwhelming her senses with your intimacy.

When her tattooed arm moves, allowing her hand to slither underneath your shirt you sigh against her lips. "We can't risk Joel seeing us, El." She swears she can almost taste the words rolling off your tongue from the close proximity of your lips.

A playful smile forms over her lips, capturing yours on hers once again. "He's not home, visiting Tommy tonight." Her hand, continuing it's quest up your shirt receives a shiver from you. "You cold? I can think of a way to warm you up."

You move to pull away, removing your lips from hers with a mock expression of horror. "Ellie Williams, I cannot believe I bring you to watch the stars and you'd rather venture somewhere else."

She laughs, leaning up on her elbows to sit up, kissing your jaw with a cheeky smile. "I love the stars, babe. This was very sweet of you."

This persists for a couple minutes, lazily exchanging kisses and Ellie playfully running her hands up and down your sides. If you'd wanted her to stop, she would have, but you secretly wanted to ditch the stargazing too at this point. Because while the stars were pretty, a much prettier event awaited you inside the little home.

"Let's go inside, we can stargaze afterwards."

❛ did you guys see the resident evil 3 mod of ellie? idk about you guys but i spent the day simping.

❛ might make a part two of this, i dunno yet. you can also find this in my new book dedicated to ellie x reader content! !

࿔ rhae. ♡

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