❛ ellie imagine.

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some very short fluff bc i'm on a break but ellie occupies my mind 24/7.

"I'm something so familiar
That you don't even notice
The way I wanna love ya
It's time that you should know this, know this"

Ellie's lips quiver at the soft delicate words pouring from her lips, the green of her eyes, which often reminded you of heavenly mornings with dew coating soft green leaves, flicker down to the guitar in her hold. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips. She's so nervous, you can tell, and it's all because of the sweet melody fluttering off of the strings and the silvery tone of the words accompanying it.

You stare at her through doe-eyes and the smallest of smiles curled over the corner of your lips. Ellie often found herself stumbling over words and affections with you – not for lack of, she just didn't know how to express how much she cared to you, specifically – due to how nervous you could make her. You're special, you're her best gracing in life, according to her. So, sometimes all the words she wanted to say to you would leave her blank. When she wanted to say, 'I need you to stay,' she would say, "I love you."

So, she took to one of her truest forms of expression.

"I'll catch a flight, go to the moon
Lay on the floor of your livin' room
And talk about the things that make you cry (cry)
I'll sell my soul, sell my guitar
Sleep in the back of a beat up car
Girl, just tell me what I have to do
I'll do anything for you"

When she held you close, sweat shining over your skin and lips swollen and puffy, that didn't seem like the right time to confess her affections for you. Sure, it was an intimate time, but Ellie wants you to know how much she cares for you even when you're not tangled underneath her sheets with her name spilling from your lips. She wants you to know she loves you even when you're covered in sweat and blood from a patrol, when your cheeks are sticky and blotchy from crying, when you're sneezing and miserable, refusing to let her "kiss it better," and especially when you give her that smile that makes her stomach fill with pesky little butterflies and her cheeks mesh into a warm red.

All the time, anytime of the day, she loved you.

❛ how are you? i busted my arm today and it hurts like a bitch. ellie kiss it better challenge.

❛ still on break, just wanted to upload this and let you guys know that when i do return i have a daenerys targaryen imagines book planned.

❛ i'm writing something based on a cute dream i had about this girl (who i have never seen before in my life) but like, i'm in love with dream girl and her blue eyes now. sigh.

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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