❛ 010 ➣ preference.

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halloween with them. :)

- at first he was probably iffy about the whole thing, given that halloween was probably one of sarah's favorite holidays.
- so the first halloween you two spend together is spent watching old horror films.
- eventually you talk him into participating in the little halloween trick or treating around jackson.
- you make all kinds of goodies for the children around the community and they'll come to the door like the old times.
- he loves the way you smile when a kid is dressed up in costume, it's one of his favorite things.
- trying to get joel to dress up is a whole mission. this man is so stubborn.
- he literally puts on a cowboy hat and says "i'm a cowboy."
- boy if you don't-
- when it comes to pranking tommy and maria he's all in, though.
- he'll find something tommy was scared of back in the day whether it be a werewolf or something and peek in the windows.
- cue tommy high stepping around to where the two of you are giggling like school kids
- y'all run before he makes it though.
- children.

- at first halloween probably bothers her because of the store she went to riley with all those years ago.
- you have to coax her into it, slowly and patiently.
- at first she turns you down, which is upsetting, but when she comes home to find you carving a pumpkin? she can't help but join you.
- she makes some gnarly face on her pumpkin and you're like "oh hell yeah, front porch for that bad boy!"
- you two raid a nearby store for costumes at some point and make a habit of sneaking around the trick or treaters.
- scaring the shit out of everyone and getting scolded by maria.
- doesn't stop you from still doing it though.
- horror films and cuddles!!
- "what? who goes in the creepy barn? that's so stupid!"
- "aw come on! i told you five minutes ago not to go in there, you deserved that shit."
- she lets you decorate her lil home, but not extravagantly.
- eventually it becomes one of her favorite things to do with you.

- tommy really gets into the holidays around jackson, seeing as he was keen on the idea of living like they did pre-outbreak.
- maria puts you two in charge of helping her plan a festivity.
- he'll try to scare you but ends up making you laugh instead.
- "that was so stupid, you know i saw your feet right?"
- "buzzkill, darlin'."
- obviously he lets you go nuts on decorating for halloween.
- if there's a big community event and you bob for apples? dunk his head. do it.
- he'll damn sure do it to you
- oh my god he's a sucker for your crafty baking during the time.
- him teasing you with whatever film you were scared of before. finds a mask from it and chases you around the house.
- gets his ass kicked ^
- he loooves halloween, especially with you.
- gets so into the whole trick or treating, he'll be the first one at the door when the doorbell rings.

- she loves halloween, especially after j.j. comes along.
- she definitely tries to be mindful of the jewish beliefs on halloween, but at the same time she doesn't mind celebrating the holiday with you.
- she'll make you candy apples and all kinds of desserts.
- finding (or making) costumes for j.j. and taking him trick or treating back in jackson.
- little scavenger hunts for him around the farm as he gets to walking.
- she'll watch some horror films with you just to laugh at how bad the acting is in some of them.
- her favorite part is always the fact that she gets to mess around in the kitchen or do all kinds of fun stuff with you and j.j.
- you two definitely dress up as well, dina insists upon it.
- guarantee you guys go as velma and daphne from scooby doo once. ;)

- i feel like she's not too big on halloween anymore, but for you she'll try.
- she loves carving pumpkins though, she'll carve the wildest things.
- watching halloween movies with alcoholic concoctions until you fall asleep
- she'll try to scare you just to be funny
- "abby! i almost shot you in the face, dumb ass."
- she's too busy laughing to care
- "is there a horror movie about heights? i think we should watch that."
- "y/n."
- somehow you convince her to eat a shit ton of candy with you that makes you sick because of how expired it is.
- idiots ^
- nonetheless she still enjoys spending the day with you.

- king is ready to carve pumpkins.
- his mom embarrasses him by telling you about how some years earlier he dressed up at one of the halloween festivals.
- you laugh and ask to see the costume
- helping out with the activities planned for the kiddos, chaperones and such.
- he'll sneak you some of the candy because he knows you loove sweets.
- he gets a laugh out of watching beetlejuice with you
- you guys probably dress as lydia and beej one year.
- prank war that he pretends to hate but secretly loves.
- he takes the opportunity to jump scare you whenever he can, it's infuriating.

- halloween is one of the few times he and sam get to relax and act like normal brothers.
- he tries his hardest to recall halloween before the apocalypse so you can do something special for sam
- little scavenger hunts for prizes and pumpkins.
- somehow he manages to remember a pumpkin pie recipe his mom made and you make it for them.
- horror films all night!!
- "if you get scared i'll protect you."
- probably scares you the next morning when you wake up
- telling spooky stories at dinner.
- also listening to each other's memories from before the outbreak about halloween.
- maybe once or twice you can get him to dress up with you if you try really hard.

- oh man he lets you go all out.
- pumpkins are everywhere, you strung halloween themed lights around the aquarium and decorations are just everywhere.
- he gets into the whole dressing up idea even if it is just for fun.
- i guarantee you this mf tries to dress as a superhero at least once.
- "how good do i look in spandex? thinking this should be my everyday thing."
- "owen, no."
- but he's not opposed to seeing you in spandex either ;)
- invites your friends for some halloween hOOCh and movies.
- he just loves halloween with you, it's always a blast.
- omg he lets you put hats and masks on the statues around the aquarium too.
- "is that a pumpkin on my seal?"
- "he looks dashing."

❛  finally spooky season, my favorite holiday. :')

࿔ rhae. ♡

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