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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:  the reader is bitten and spends the rest of her hours with ellie.
this was a requested imagine originally, and i still plan on writing one for this at some point but for now i wanted to give you something.  writing is stressing me to the max right now. in the imagine i'll likely do the reader being immune like you suggested!

- you go out on an assignment with one of the newer kids to join the partner patrols, needless to say the kid was not ready for this.
- you ran into a batch of infected and the newbie bailed out of fright, leaving you to do it all by yourself.
- you didn't even know you'd been bitten until you got back to jackson. ellie noticed that the ankle of your jeans was ripped in one spot, dark red coating the area.
- needless to say she absolutely freaks out. not because she's scared or anything, but because you're infected. and you mean the world to her.
- her voice cracks when she's trying to ask what happened.
- "i guess it happened when i was by myself."
- she's so upset because she knows what has to happen soon. she has to put you down or you'll turn.
- it makes her feel so guilty all over again, because if she had died in that hospital you'd be okay right now.
- so, she's determined to make sure you have a good few hours before the virus overtakes your system.
- you spend a lot of time resting in her bed, listening to her quietly murmur about how much she loves you.
- it's heartbreaking for you to see the broken look on her face.
- "it's not your fault, ellie. these things happen."
- "it is."
- reassuring her it's not countless times.
- she watches your favorite movies with you until the fever settles in and you can't focus on the movie anymore.
- she'll sit by the bed with you, making sure you're as comfortable as possible for a while. she keeps a cool washcloth pressed lightly over your forehead to bring you some relief from the burning sensation.
- you keep telling her how much you love her and that it's not her fault.
- she doesn't believe you, though.
- when you finally do drift off she almost can't bring herself to do it but she knows it's what you wanted. you couldn't be one of those things.
- she uses her switchblade so the whole community doesn't hear a gunshot and panic.
- joel's the first one to come by and find her crying into your shirt.
- no matter what everyone tells her she constantly thinks it was her fault you got infected, even though it wasn't.

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࿔ rhae ♡

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