❛ 008 ➣ preference.

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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: a lil preference on what their birthday is like with you while i work on requests and no light. <3

- we already know this one is gonna be complicated.
- joel's birthdays are a little tense to say the least, they're definitely a sore spot for him because of outbreak day and sarah's death.
- at first, he doesn't want to even let you know his birthday let alone celebrate it. but ellie comes to you for help planning a surprise for him
- thus began the "secret birthday surprise" which is never labeled as a birthday thing, but he knows it's secretly a celebration.
- so each year you pick out some crafty little idea for joel, ellie, tommy, maria and yourself to do at his home or tommy's. it's never a big celebration because y'know, joel's not about that.
- after the first hour of being angry he simmers down when you explain that you just wanted to do something nice for him.
- he loves you sm for thinking of him.
- "you're getting old cowboy."
- "you're only a couple years younger than me, darlin'."
- sometimes it's a movie night, sometimes it's karaoke, always something new.
- a lot of the times, after the little surprise you'll sit on his porch with him - sometimes ellie would join before the blowout in salt lake - and drink coffee, just talking about simpler times.
- you honestly love planning the little surprises too.

- listen i dunno how you're gonna top the dinosaur space museum but you sure try.
- ellie's birthday is one of your favorite times because you get to do all kinds of sweet stuff for her. it's one of the only times she'll let you go all out with it.
- somehow you manage to make her favorite food without her finding out. no one knows how because ellie just always KNOWS when someone has it.
- taking her out to some old bowling alley in one of the nearby towns or the lodge to play pool [ ;) ]
- her birthday is also a movie night with lots of snuggles!
- sometimes dina and jesse show up with the damn alcohol and there goes any chances of being sober
- during the day you invite joel because you want them to rekindle <3
- finding her all kinds of trading cards or music. if you can find games or space related stuff you'll grab that too.
- she always complains that you spoil her too much on her birthday
- you always smack her upside her noodlehead for trying to downplay her birthday
- oo sometimes you guys go swimming because a y'know it's warm during her birthday.
- just always an event.
- "birthday kisses for the birthday girl?"
- "i thought you didn't wanna make a big deal about it?"

- oh boy
- you absolutely make this man drop whatever he has to do that day to celebrate with you.
- "did you make me a cake?"
- "you don't deserve cake."
- just kidding you did <3
-sometimes you and joel usually do these bizarre birthday pranks. and his reaction is always so funny because no matter how many times you do it to him he never expects it.
- you'll have these little get togethers with some of his close friends to celebrate
- feel like tommy has some good whiskey stocked up for special occasions so we busting that out too.
- oh man, you love finding little things for him like jackets and little weird souvenirs.
- you take a cute photo with him every year just so he can put it on the wall.
- sometimes just to humor him you'll have a little shooting competition on the hill to let him have a moment with his sniper rifle. man loves that damn gun.
- "maybe i should let you two get a room."
- "very funny darlin'."

- okay but dina's birthday is absolutely one of your favorite times.
- usually she does the cooking or baking because it's a fun hobby but you get a chance to.
- you make her those honey dipped apples her sister used to make and she always smiles so much.
- surprising her with new records just to see her get all excited.
- "oh fuck yeah! put it on, we're dancing!"
- you have no choice but to dance with her on her birthday.
- hanging out in eugene's old place when you want some one on one time on her birthday
- before j.j. came along she'd like a lil alcohol on her birthday and it would be so funny.
- okay but, the two of you out at the farm on her birthday with j.j. spending the day cuddled up on the couch or in bed. 🥺 <3
- one time you surprised her with an embroidered hamsa for your room. she loved it sm.
- bringing her flowers <3
- gettin' a lil spicy at night if yk what i mean.

- abby hasn't really had a big birthday celebration since, well, her dad died so you take it upon yourself to make the day special.
- you and lev spend hours hunting up coins that she doesn't have just to put them in a lil display and surprise her.
- massages when she wakes up.
- "happy birthday, babes."
- "i knew you were being suspiciously nice."
- once you gifted her a stuffed zebra and she damn near cried about it. you thought it was bad and she had to explain that she actually loved it a lot.
- if you paint, you'll paint a picture of abby and you for her.
- setting up little games to play like the archery thing in the aquarium.
- making her let you do all the important stuff that day just so she can relax and enjoy her day.
- you make such a big deal about it and she hates it (secretly loves it though.)
- finding ways for you to sneak off with her to spend some alone time together.
- you make sure she has a good day and no drama. <3

- you steal him from patrol. literally no one can find him and they all know who did it.
- sometimes you have little parties and invite his parents or the other young adults around your age.
- alcohol and board games. 10/10
- you somehow make him a cake or something special that he likes.
- he's soaking up that extra attention i guarantee it. king.
- finding books and movies that he likes to give him <3
- you probably wake him up by collapsing on top of him dramatically.
- "wake up stupid head it's your birthday!"
- "i feel the love, y/n."
- rip
- it's always a good day no matter what you decide to do.
- sometimes you just go out on horse rides and talk, sometimes it's a picnic or just lounging around at his home.
- either way it's always one of his favorite things to do with you even if he makes jokes the whole day.
- he just knows he's a king on his birthday.

❛  hello there. :')

࿔ rhae. ♡

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