❛ - ➣ dina.

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a catch-up of all dina preferences up to this point.

how you met: - when dina came to jackson you were one of the first few people she met

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how you met:
- when dina came to jackson you were one of the first few people she met. you just sorta clicked when you started talking, you know?
- at first she was a little hesitant to approach you because you seemed like the quiet type and she was still a little overwhelmed by the amount of people in jackson. but eventually she did approach you and bam, best friends.
- she was always super outgoing, dina's the person you want to be around when you need a smile. she adored spending time with you and still does. you're her favorite person besides potato.
- your relationship was slow burn because of her off and on thing with jesse but after some time your feelings got to both of you and it just slipped out.

how you sleep:
- i strongly believe dina is a cuddle bug. you sleep face to face with her face nuzzled in the curve of your neck.
- the one downside? dina can and will kick the shit out of you in her sleep sometimes. it's not on purpose but it happens.
- you're a light sleeper with dina just in case she has a nightmare about her sister. you've probably spent many nights comforting her.
- but for the most part dina is an amazing person to sleep with (get your mind out of the gutter, perv). she's like a little portable heater so you're always toasty warm in the winter.
- dina loves pillow talk. expect to be up past midnight talking shit about whatever comes to mind.
- love dina or perish.

first time she says i love you:
- right okay so since you started off as friends you probably said it all the time but we're talking the i love you i love you, ya feel?
- i feel like you were her first kiss and she was yours. maybe you were experimenting with first kisses and such and she popped the suggestion.
- she'll be the one to say, "i love you, stupid." and you take it as a joke but she did not mean it as a joke.
- there's lots of mutual pining between you two so i guarantee you it takes some time for you to realize how she meant it and that you feel the same. but when you do let's just say eugene's weed den isn't the only place getting contaminated. ;)

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❛ will be editing this chapter soon.

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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