❛ j ➣ preference.

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requested: accidentally breaking joel's mug after his death. ( see end notes for a notice ! )

- so, this probably happens when you're busy cleaning at his home. maybe you're getting ready to settle there by yourself or moving things to your home.
- you accidentally bump the mug with your elbow or something while trying to retrieve something from the cabinet and it tumbles to the floor.
- obviously, you're horrified because that was his favorite mug and one of the items ellie loved a lot too.
- trying to examine the damage the best you can and seeing if it's repairable.
- if so, you'll spend hours trying to glue the broken pieces back on and making it look somewhat better.
- ^ if not? you feel awful about it.
- you've kept a few of his possessions, making sure ellie had whatever of his she wanted as well, and the mug was just too valuable.
- breaking it and not being able to restore it is a heartache.
- if he were still around you could hear him lecturing you now.
- it makes you chuckle despite your distraught state.
- if you fix the mug you make sure it stays put up somewhere safe from now on though!
- his possessions are just too valuable to get destroyed.


❛ Hiya, this was uploaded by a friend of Rhae's. She's taking a little time to herself right now because she hasn't been feeling so great mentally for quite some time now. Rest assured, she'll be back by the end of the week so don't worry! She's alright and she hopes you guys are well and staying safe ! - M.

࿔ rhae ♡

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