❛ 007 ➣ preference.

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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: just some of your date-ish things with them? a lil sappy content for you guys written at 3am. enjoy.

- he takes you camping a lot in the fall when the weather is just right. not too hot, not too cold, pretty leaves falling and such.
- he'll play guitar around the campfire at night, sometimes in the middle of the day you can manage to make him play.
- picnics and coffee!!
- on a rare occasion you might get him to go swimming in a creek or something with you while you're there.
- lots of tender forehead kisses from this man.
- ngl i feel like joel is a bomb ass cook when it comes to camping.
- him sitting on an old log, you sitting on the ground between his legs while he talks about something from pre-outbreak life
- "there was this massive river trail back in texas, tommy and i went once."
- sleeping on his chest for the night because hey, no infected are around.
- you probably end up making him laugh with your god awful jokes.

- you guys go stargazing a lot!!
- like you'll lay out somewhere, probably near joel's house because privacy, just snuggled into her side watching the stars.
- sometimes you'll climb on her lap just so you can lay on top of her.
- "babe you're not even looking."
- "there's a prettier view here."
- soft lingering kisses with her, sometimes you have to swat her hands away when she gets a lil handsy.
- she kisses your hair a lot or plays with it
- sometimes you'll force her to dance with you to some old record playing in the background.
- sometimes joel comes out and plays his guitar for you two and you'll dance to that <3
- lots of "i love you" and kisses to be shared

- okay but this man pulls out all the stops when it comes to you.
- sometimes he'll find some old store that he knows he's heard you talk about, for this we'll say it's a library because you've been hunting this one book f o r e v e r
- surprises you with it after a lil s p i c y time
- cuddles and soft kisses
- okay but you probably read to him because he's lazy and won't get out of bed
- but it's cute because he thinks you look so at peace
- "stop touching, i'm trying to read."
- he'll try plucking the book from your hands to get your attention back on him
- does not work, though.
- he'll kiss your temples a lot.
- lingering lil touches.
- sometimes you lay on his chest while you read.
- very cute of you guys

- so at jackson it's always so sweet. she'll come over to your place at like midnight with a bag of stolen snacks and movies
- cuddling on your couch with the movie playing
- said movie being forgotten about when you start kissing
- you laying propped on the couch, her laying between your legs with her head resting on your chest. ( does this make sense? you know what i'm talking about.)
- once you get the farmhouse built up with her it's game over for your heart
- dancing together in the kitchen, the living room, everywhere.
- kissing her hand when you approach for a dance just to hear her laugh.
- "my lady, may i have this dance?"
- "you may, my lady."
- and of course your movie tradition still stands, but the kissing has to wait until j.j. falls asleep
- lil goober intentionally won't fall asleep
- but you still get them kisses when he finally does

- so after her workouts she'll be all tired and sore when she comes to your room
- she'll lay on her stomach with you sitting on her backside, massaging her muscles until she feels better
- you kissing her shoulder blades which earns you a warning, "y/n."
- but what she gonna do?
- cuddles
- you taking the braids out of her hair, gushing at how pretty her hair is down.
- playing with her hair a lot if she'll let you
- kisses that often lead to something else
- she'll pepper kisses across your face while you laugh, resulting in her pining you down to continue her work
- jokes and smiles are cracked often
- wait a minute imagine - the walls by abby's bed are GLASS IM-
- wlf members finna get a SHOW

- okay but imagine cooking with him
- him sliding across the floor in a white shirt and his boxers like that damn movie
- you hysterically laughing when he falls or rams into the wall
- he'll come up behind you while you're cooking and wrap his arms around your waist
- "hey, smells good babe."
- you threatening to beat him with your spoon when his hands roam
- dancing in the kitchen while you wait, very terribly i might add.
- kisses and laughs
- jesse burns everything he cooks and it always makes you laugh
- "i think it turned out nicely."
- "jesse what is this?"
- a+ for effort
- him kissing your hands a lot or your nose
- thinks you're so cute when you blush about it
- cuddles on the couch


˖ hello!!

˖ the one with ellie, the stargazing, is all i can think about now. i wanna do that </3 

࿔ rhae ♡

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