❛ imagine ➣ abby anderson.

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this was requested as an abby confessing she likes you scenario. hope you like it!

Abby's never really enjoyed the nighttime assignments around the stadium, she prefers to get her tasks done during the daytime to tire herself out. The only reason she finds herself standing at the lookout on the winding old freeway bridges has two specific reasons.

One: Manny stole their room to hook up with the weather chick, again.

Two: Isaac needed someone to cover for one of the usual watchmen.

The most unfortunate part of this scenario is that she has to work with you tonight. She's never had a real problem with you, none that you needed to be concerned about, it's more of a personal issue. A very personal issue that happens to be her having a bizarre crush on you. Before you were just another girl around the stadium she saw every now and again in the lookout or on assignments together. You always had this way of making her laugh–you'd find a way to get a chuckle out of her even when she was having a bad day.

And then one day Abby found herself thinking a little more fondly of you than one should a friend. She found herself thinking about the way you laugh, the shimmer in your eyes when you brought her a new coin for her collection and even the way you so calmly handle dangerous situations. In short, Abby is head over heels for you.

So what did she do? She cut you off. She grew cold towards you whenever you'd try speaking to her, giving you the most bare minimum replies possible. Hell, it had gotten to the point that you requested a team change not long ago after she yelled at you when a clicker almost took a bite out of your arm. That was mostly out of hidden concern, though.

Abby's dreading seeing you up close and personal again. She dreads seeing the look on your face all night and the silence between you that's only there because of her. She should've told you. She should have just fucking told you and this wouldn't be happening.

Or, she could have just stopped acting like a teenage girl and brushed it aside to be your friend. Friendship was better than nothing and yet she managed to not only crush her chances at ever talking to you about it and your friendship.

Her heart races at the sound of footsteps approaching the makeshift watch building, there's no one it can possibly be but you. Any other person would have gotten someone else to come but not you. Not when you had no excuse and no one to cover last minute. Abby's sure you must've heard that she would be the one assisting you tonight.

The little door opens and the footsteps momentarily pause. You're looking at her in pure shock and surprise, she can feel your stare on her back. But after a moment she hears the rustling of clothing–you rolled your shoulders–and not a second later the chair next to hers becomes occupied by none other than you.

You open your mouth to speak, she can see you from the corner of her eye, but refrain, keeping the silence. Instead you choose to focus on the book on the table next to the wall and pull it your way.

That's it? You're just going to ignore her for the entire night? Abby can't contain the disappointment of not hearing your voice, even getting a small greeting would have sufficed. But no, you gave her nothing, just like she'd done you.

An hour passes like this, skimming pages of a book she knows you have no interest in, Abby nervously picking at her jacket sleeve. And God she wishes you'd say something to her. Cuss her out, call her every name in the book for all she cares. Anything but the silence from one of the most outgoing people she knows.

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