drunk | ellie.

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𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖾 𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾.


you get entirely too drunk at a little jackson festivity after being mad at ellie, but little do you know she's coming to the festival too. just a little note that this takes place when ellie is maybe eighteen-nineteen.


Bright lights flickered over your head with a clicking flick of a button; you'd finally gotten them plugged back in from your little mishap moments before

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Bright lights flickered over your head with a clicking flick of a button; you'd finally gotten them plugged back in from your little mishap moments before. Loud – too loud for your buzzing head – music floated through the few speakers that Tommy's pal had managed to fix up for the occasion that the group had a little get together. Every now and again, holidays maybe, they'd arrange a big party like this for the community where everyone could let loose for a few hours and pretend that things were normal.

And for a moment they were.

You were a buzzing, cheerful version of yourself and you had completely forgotten how angry you were at your best friend of two years. Everything about the music made your head thick and heavy with ache but you persisted into downing yet another and another shot, one followed by another until your movements became a little awkward and clumsy.

A friend of yours had taken a notice to your butchered state and began walking her way over to you, it wasn't like you couldn't handle yourself if you needed to – and no one would handle you inappropriately if they wanted to, your father was good friends with Tommy and Joel – but she wanted you to be safe.

"Hey!" She greeted you, voice slightly loud trying to keep up with the music filling the room. She pulled sticky hair away from your cheeks, fingertips grasping the rim of your glass to pull it away from you. "Haven't you had enough, Y/N?" She questioned, concern evident in the light brown of her eyes.

You shook your head in response, tipping your hand just out of her reach so she couldn't take the glass; you'd seen her do this to you one too many times now. You knew the trick. "Nope!" You managed, voice a little hiccuped from the alcohol in your system. "Jess I'm one hundred and ten percent good."

"You don't look too good. I just – I know you had an argument with Ellie today and –

You slid a hand over her lips, keeping her from speaking the next part of her sentence. You slid your finger over your lips, a 'shh' gesture, and carefully leaned back to the bar for support. "Jess," you paused, hiccuped, and grabbed both her arms in a gentle way. "Perfectly capable of handling my alcohol, go dance with someone."

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