࿔ abby imagine.

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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: requested by @takeamurderer (i think)
basically, the reader finds abby and lev ( after the final encounter with ellie ) passed out on the beach and takes care of them. the original request was for them to eventually end up staying with the reader and abby falling for you, leaving the fireflies behind. i shorted this a bit and i'll explain why in the after notes. ;)

It's a warm, sunny morning on the little stretch of coast you currently reside on. The old sea cottage you manage on your own sits somewhere behind you, waiting for your return once you've finished gathering more wood to fuel your nighttime fires. The waves slowly greeting the sand occasionally brush against your shoes, splashing up to your jeans.

You're humming something under your breath, picking up fallen palm leaves for extra burnage and tucking them into your backpack. You, thankfully, don't have to do a run for supplies any time soon as you've just stocked up a few days prior. Infected never tended to be a problem on your little hidden corner of beach, there was only one path down to it - the rest was a hill that would surely damage them if they fell - and you'd secured that with traps. In short, you're hiding away in a small corner of paradise.

You're kneeling to pick up another palm leaf when you first notice the object around the bend of the palms. Just around the patch you can vaguely make out the shape of what appears to be a boat, beached on the sand with no signs of people onboard. It's debatable on whether you should approach or not, maybe the people would be coming back and maybe they weren't friendly. But, on the other hand, you did need to see who was so close to your little home.

You drop the bag of palms to the sand, retrieving your pistol from a pocket on the bag and stepping through the thick greenery to get around. The moment of shielding from the sun offers some relief, but not much. You're still getting used to the heat here.

Upon approaching the little boat you call out a hesitant greeting, just making sure no one is around. Then again, if they were they didn't necessarily have to answer. You sigh, holding the gun in a firing position as you step forward to observe. There's a young boy laying inside, passed out from what you can see. A redness coats his cheeks and forehead, sunburnt from the California sun.

"Hey," you say, gently nudging the boy on his shoulder. He doesn't respond to you, only moves his lips as if he's saying something but no words come out. You're intrigued by the scars on either side of his lips, curving up the side of his cheeks.

You look around for any signs of infection, sighing in relief when you determine he's not bitten. "Okay, I'm gonna get you back to my cottage." You tell him, though he doesn't respond, he only continues to breathe softly. When you go around the boat to pick him up, you stumble over something - someone.

She's a woman, your age maybe, skin dangerously red with sunburn and crackling skin from the burns. Her hair is cut short, she appears to be malnourished and dehydrated. She too is passed out, only in the sand with the water lapping at her legs.


It takes you a few minutes to get both of the unconscious characters back to your little home, you'd made two trips to get them there on a makeshift sled. Now they're both sleeping comfortably in the cottage living room; you'd managed to get some water into the boy without choking him, but the woman wouldn't accept it even in her dazed state.

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