࿔ abby. 〔 solo. 〕

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requested: in short, abby meets a mysterious loner who, much to isaac's annoyance, gets the job done better than one of his crews can.

The WLF and the Seraphites have always been at the other's throats. At least, from what Abby's been told they have.

The blonde woman can't help but feel slightly distracted from the lecture being laid down by Isaac. Her focus is more on the outside world, it's a cool day outside. There's dark snow clouds looming over the tall broken down buildings of what used to be civilization before it collapsed. Abby figures they may have an early snowfall this year - which, in most cases, is good. It keeps the infected at bay and slows them, makes the Scars easier to track down when they have to.

Her attention turns back to the man in charge once more, only because he looks her way expectantly, and tunes into his conversation.

"Team four went missing around here," he concludes, pointing to a section on the map. Somewhere near the old Garden and Glass-there wasn't much glass left, however. "Which means you five are heading out at first light."

Abby nods in confirmation, this was her team after all, and pushes herself to her feet. It's not far away, which leaves her to wonder if they would in fact find them there or not; unless it was an ambush, Scars would have killed the team and left.

The rest of the team excuses themselves to make preparations for heading out at an early hour, leaving Abby to gather more information on the situation. She lightly braces an arm on the sky view windows of Isaac's "office" area, studying the land below. "How do we know these guys are alive?" She questions. She'd scope it out, of course, but if the five were dead shouldn't they be worried about figuring out if the group was patrolling around their own patrols?

The man sighs, rubbing his temples with a hand before looking out the window to something in the distance. From behind him, he retrieves a pair of binoculars from a beige table. "We just need to check, Abby. While you're out there, keep an eye out for a girl, presumably alone." He passes her the binoculars, waiting for her to find what he was looking at.

Abby almost misses the woman ducking through an old fire escape in a building away from the FOB. "Who is that?" She questions, still watching the woman through the tool. "Scar?"

"No, I don't think so." He finishes just as the strange woman appears through another building, climbing onto the fire escape before heading down. "Strange one though, she always comes and goes around now."

"Is anyone alive?" Abby calls, ducking her head to miss an arrow that soars just by her temples, barely missing her. The team Isaac sent out to retrieve the other had been ambushed, all but Abby taken down thus far.

The WLF scanned the area for any means of escape for a moment, spotting her fallen team in the process. She should've brought Manny along, she wouldn't be in this mess if he came along. There were several Seraphite roaming the building in search of her and her pistol had lost its last bullet moments prior.

A familiar whistle sounded from around the corner, creeping closer to her position. Abby gripped a knife in her fingers so tightly her knuckles washed over white. She drew the weapon up at the unmistakable sound of footsteps but before she could launch an attack the intruder fell flat at her feet.

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