❛ - ➣ abby.

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an abby catch-up of all preferences up to this point.

how you met: - you met abby under very strange circumstances

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how you met:
- you met abby under very strange circumstances. strange being you're a wlf that she thinks is too cute to associate with her.
- so one day nora is like lmao you know what fuck it and introduces you to abby since she's obviously not gonna do it herself.
- abby is floored at how sweet and goofy you are in person because you always seem so skilled on assignments and shit.
- she's just in awe of you and it shows. i see you abby, simp.
- so after nora introduced you two abby slowly warms up to hanging around you more often. you'll go on scouting missions together and patrols and whatnot.
- lots of teasing from her friends.

how you sleep:
- oh my fucking god abby takes up 76% of the bed at night because she sprawls on her back. she's dead to the world.
- you'll be laying there at night nudging her in hopes of moving her but it never works. if anything it just makes her scoot closer to you.
- you'll poke her and whisper, "scoot over. i'm on the edge." and she has the audacity to laugh.
- you've resorted to sleeping on her. like you just shift around until you're practically on top of her and that's how you sleep.
- and surprise it actually helps you sleep better. you feel a lot safer in this position and abby feels good knowing you're there.

first time she says i love you:
- it took a good amount of time you know? she's not used to sharing emotions like that anymore and you're not the best at it either.
- she has other ways of telling you she loves you. a kiss on the forehead when you return from an assignment, a long hug before she leaves for one, all the little things. it's just how abby works.
- it's something she probably says in the heat of the moment the first time. like maybe you're with her when she fights the rat king and immediately afterwards she's just like, "i love you."
- the both of you would be too overwhelmed about the fight to even make a big deal of it. like it is a big deal but your head is in the whole survival mode at that minute, you know?
- doesn't stop you from kissing her though.

how she reacts to someone insulting you:
- yeah they don't
- no seriously i doubt anyone talks about you and lets abby find out about it. she's a respected wlf and at the same time have you seen?? her arms?? i would SPRINT.
- i imagine once everyone knows you're with abby they're quite hesitant to comment about you in general. abby can be pretty protective, especially of you.
- remember how she responds to those wlf talking about owen? multiply that response.
- she's like, "did i hear you say y/n's name?" and off it goes from there.
- and in the worst case scenario we can just grab the golf club and FOOOOUUUR.

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❛ ah this was back when e&s hit 3k. good times. <3

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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