❛ 003 ➣ preference.

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the first time they tell you they love you.

- trust me it takes A WHILE
- joel being joel he probably says it in the nonchalant sort of way. he's the quiet lover who shows his affection through actions.
- so, let's say you're having a bad day or you get stuck on patrol longer than planned. he'll be so worried about you, going out to look for you and everything.
- it's probably one of the most worrying experiences ever because he hasn't had the chance to tell you more than a few times before.
- joel's love is loyal, though. so no worries there.
- he's fiercely protective of you and would never let anyone harm you. that's a big way of showing his affection for you.
- he'll make you little wood carvings ( i want that turtle on his table in the bedroom ) or play his guitar for you all the time.
- ^ for you, he'll play sweet songs. you get all the confirmation you need on his feelings through the sound coming from the strings.
- but he does tell you sometimes because he knows you like hearing it.
- special days or even during situations that are potentially dangerous especially.
- don't even laugh or he'll think you're making jokes about it. old cowboy needs a break.

- she's said it before but in a friendly way, as the two of you were friends before getting into a relationship.
- but once you're in a relationship she's trying to figure out a way to say it properly. and she's not gonna do that right off the bat you know? that's just not ellie.
- it probably happens during an argument or something. you're going off about patrols and she's worried about your safety because you went out alone.
- she just wants you to be safe, don't yell at her.
- she busts it out in the middle of a lecture just to get you to shut up and listen to her.
- you're talking and talking so she puts her hand over your mouth and says, "i just want you to be safer, i love you."
- you're #SHOOK. your only reply is, "wait, say that again?"
- she'ssocute
- she says it again-shyer this time, probably fiddling with her hands-and you grin so wide at her. obviously you tell her you love her too.
- ^ you better love her or else i'm stealing her from you.

-  so it's definitely less tense than those two emo mf's. ^
- probably during a soft day where you'd just been hanging out at home or on a routine patrol with no hectic.
- he'll be all sweet and goofy the WHOLE day and you're wondering what's up with him. man even stops to pick you a batch of wildflowers.
- when you finally get to your assigned building to do a check in he gets all shy for like 2 seconds. then he's back being an idiot.™️
- you'll grab his hand, a lil worried about him, and be like, "are you alright tommy? you're acting so weird today." feeling his forehead for a fever LMAO
- he's like, "no i just love you is all."
- you're all smiles and giggles. "i love you too, stupid."

᯽ ݁ 

❛ ah yes, the editing process is going slow but smoothly. kill me.

࿔ rhae ♡

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