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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: requested by : HolyPotato05
what they do for your birthday! this was fun to write because ya girl's birthday is coming up in december.

- we saw how he went IN for ellie's birthday so expect something nice.
- he'll spend days in advance planning it out. maybe he even found a place months prior.
- so he wakes you up the morning of or the night before if you've got somewhere outside of jackson to go with a suspicious grin.
- he'll be SO quiet about it and it drives you insane wondering what he has planned for the day.
- "just a hint?"
- "you're as bad as ellie."
- he also carves you something!
- anyway it's so cool, maybe he found some old place that you used to love. whether it be a library or something else.
- you're absolutely shook when you see it.
- he's got the biggest shit eating grin on his face when he sees your face.
- "happy birthday darlin'."
- definitely plays you a song or two.

- she probably spent weeks trying to figure something out for you.
- if you check her notebook i guarantee you'll find a dozen scribbled out ideas and notes for you.
- silly ass decides to keep it simple and surprises you in the morning.
- absolutely insists that you let her drag you out of jackson for a walk on the trails or something.
- picnic featuring ellie's guitar.
- she wrote you a song ^
- terribly sings you happy birthday at the end just to see you smile.
- stargazing.
- "i also got you a gift or two."
- lots of cuddles and maybe a lil,, spicy time for your birthday
- she loves using your birthday as an excuse to appreciate you more. (not that she doesn't on a regular basis.)

- alright but he likes to make a fuss over it because he's a goofy ass.
- you want a party? he'll plan a small one with some of your friends in your home and surprise you you after a long day.
- guarantee you he pretends to not remember all day just so he can surprise you.
- will suffer through your favorite movies on this day.
- finds a nice necklace or something for you because he cheesy.
- i dunno i feel like he's a god awful cook but he sure will try to make something for you.
- give him a grill though and you're all set. ^
- whatever you wanna do that day is fine by him. unless he has a surprise planned for you.
- he's sooo excited about it. it's one of his favorite things.

- dina LOVES your birthday, she loves getting the opportunity to do things for you.
- usually you won't let her go all out with it so she'll arrange a small get together with inner circle friends and such.
- or if you're not feeling up to it you spend the day with her.
- best believe she bakes you something if she can find all the ingredients, if not she gets crafty.
- i bet dina loves making you gifts, they feel more special that way.
- you absolutely adore her gifts by the way.
- cuddles and movie night.
- if your birthday is during winter you'll sneak off to go sledding together, if you're a fall baby you let her take you on a walk with all the pretty colored leaves falling.
- if it's spring or during the warm months you go swimming!
- she just loves having any excuse to shower you with affections.
- "is that a gray hair?"
- "yeah from putting up with you all the time."
- "oh, okay stupid."
- she loves you though. <3

- now usually she's down to attend a party with your friends but sometimes she just wants to steal you away from base and have you to herself for the day.
- she'll plan something out because usually you do all the romantic planning.
- if you collect anything like her collection of coins she'll surprise you with a shit ton of whatever it is.
- "how did you find-"
- "don't ask."
- maybe she takes you mini golfi-
- she's not one for cooking but best believe she'll get leah or someone to help her make you something.
- very sweet on your birthday, only teases you a couple times.
- hugs!!!
- very affectionate on your birthday.
- piggy back ride because the birthday queen shouldn't have to walk.

- king busts into your home like that one woody from toy story meme when you're still sleeping.
- "happy birthday sunshine, get up."
- he's got plans.
- probably plans out this surprise party for you with your friends.
- i guarantee you he is a killer at karaoke and uses it to embarrass you on this day.
- probably gets you something cute or sweet from one of the stores in the old town.
- overly sweet and goofy on your birthday. he loves teasing you about it.
- if you're a lil older than him he'll be like "man i love my cougar girlfriend."
- gets smacked
- rip king.

- alright but birthdays are one of the few times he'll relax and not worry.
- he'll try his damned hardest to make you something that he remembers his mom making before the outbreak.
- sam helps ofc.
- they sing happy birthday to you :)
- he'll wrap any presents he can find you horribly, it always makes you chuckle.
- but you appreciate it of course ^
- one time he found an old camera for you and he regrets it ever since.
- "it's my birthday therefore say cheese."
- "y/n this isn't fair."

- oh man this crackhead goes in.
- he'll decorate the aquarium with those cute lights from the christmas flashback.
- he definitely paints something for you, whether it's on the mural or maybe even his old firefly tags.
- sings (very horribly, i might add) to you.
- "you're getting so old."
- "you're getting so stupid."
- "ouch."
- he's greedy with his gift shop but he'll finally let you grab one of those cute snow globes or something.
- greedy ass ^
- he loves your birthday. uses it as an excuse to make hOoCh.
- drunk party with owen on the sailboat.

࿔ rhae. ♡

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