࿔ preference.

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how they respond to the reader being down/sad.
if this seems familiar it probably is! i edited this from an old preference for my editing process. so uh, trigger warning but nothing too serious!

- he's so worried and upset.
- feel like at first he'd be a lil tense but then he'd realize that's not going to help you any and immediately calm down.
- he'd do whatever he has to do to reassure you that you're going to be okay.
- he's wary to leave you alone for long periods of time even on good days. he doesn't want something upsetting you and causing you to do anything harmful to yourself or worse.
- patrol? cancelled. chores? screw them. he's spending his day with you until he knows you feel better.
- sometimes you don't feel like talking at all so it's just quiet whispers from him. he'll make you food and bring you water because he wants you staying hydrated and fed.
- plays you the guitar if you're up for it. if not he's more than happy to just be a shoulder to cry on.
- joel spends a lot of time worrying about you because he knows what that's like. he does everything in his power to make sure you know how loved you are.

- seeing you sad breaks her heart.
- she would be a little confused at first but she's quick to understand your sadness, she has her own.
- she'll never make you feel bad about it, she never makes you feel like a burden because you're absolutely not.
- always keeping an eye on you to make sure you're okay.
- she'll lay in bed with you when you don't feel like getting up, pressing faint kisses over your skin.
- "you're doing so good, babe. i'm so proud of you."
- she genuinely is proud of you.
- if she ever finds out you've done anything to yourself she gets angry at first because she thinks you're absolutely perfect. but then she'll calm down and start assuring you it's okay.
- she can always tell when you're feeling down or just a little off by the way you act.
- think you can hide it from her? wrong. she'll know and she'll be ready to shower you with love.
- seeing you so down makes her feel useless in some ways because she can't take the pain away for you.
- but she'll damn sure try.

- he hates it.
- he'll try his best to make you laugh and smile all the time. it's his main priority.
- he'll cook for you, do your chores around the community if he has to and so on.
- "hey darlin' look what i found."
- surprise it's your favorite things.
- just does whatever he can to make sure you're okay.
- if you need time to yourself he respects that but he won't be far away just in case.
- leaves you little notes to find around your home to brighten your day.
- warm baths!
- if he has to go out he'll ask joel or one of your friends to check in on you.
- ^ he tries to stay with you at all times though.

- alright dina is the sweetest bean ever.
- she'll make sure you're eating and staying hydrated even if it means she has to raid the community supplies for things you'll keep down.
- lots of soft touches and sweet reassurances.
- long hugs where you don't speak at all , she's just comforting you and that's fine by her.
- she hates when she can't make you feel happier. she'll do whatever she has to to see you crack a smile.
- terrible jokes that have to be responded to because they're so awful.
- she's v patient and gentle with you on bad days.
- if j.j. is there expect hugs from potato and momma dina!!
- "peek a boo, we love you."
- you can't resist smiling at that cute face right?
- and hey, if you need alone time she understands. but she'll never be far away if you need her.

- she completely understands, it happens to the best of us.
- she's usually a teasing person when it comes to you but when you're down? soft abby pops out.
- she's sweet to you, asking if you need anything or if she can do anything for you.
- takes you on walks so you can clear your mind and think
- hates cooking but will try because she wants you to stay fed and hydrated even on your down days.
- super considerate of your feelings during these times.
- she'll butcher a PACK of rat kings if it means getting you something you need to cheer up a bit.
- lots of hugs or no touching at all depending on your response to it.
- she's just overall very understanding and wants to help in any way that she can.

- The king will not stand for such sadness from his beauty queen.
- He'll drag you out of the house if you're up to it but if not!! He's more than happy keeping you company inside.
- Takes you on a walk or to a little spot away from jackson you both know about.
- He's a good listener so you've always got someone to vent to.
- ^ offers pretty damn good advice as well!
- He's considerate of what you have to say-or don't-and he always tries to be reasonable with his responses.
- Got patrol? No problem, he'll cover it or get someone to cover for you.
- he just wants to see you happy.
- busts out your favorite movies to cheer you up.
- it secretly always hurts him to see you upset because he cares about you a lot.
- always checking on you if you seem a little off one day.

᯽ ݁ 

❛ psa that if you ever need someone to talk to my messages are always open. i care about all of you and your mental health.

❛ i shouldn't have to say this but please don't erase ellie's sexuality if you read my things, thanks. i'd really fucking appreciate it for individuals to not disrespect her like that. sorry gents.

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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