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a ( late ) valentine's day special.

- oh gosh okay give him some time to warm up to the idea of something like this again after years of not doing it and then you're in action.
- i feel like even with sarah's mom he was a bit of a jokester and nervous at the same time. he'll be tender and take his time figuring out what to do for you so it'll be special.
- i bet he'll make you a wood carving ( don't say it ) of your favorite flower or something of the sort. hearts don't really seem like his style.
- quiet evenings watching movies and stuff together. he'll play the guitar for you, you'll miserably fail at trying to sing and it's just a lot of good fluff.
- in modern times he'd be the type to give you flowers and i just feel like joel is the type of guy to frame his favorite picture of the two of you and give that to you. ( simple things are adorable don't @ me. )
- dancing around the kitchen to old songs that he likes.

- alright you know ellie is not the best when it comes to romantic things and if she does i guarantee you dina helped her plan it.
- she writes you a song – trashes it about a dozen times before coming up with one she actually likes – and she'll be so shy about playing it for you. that's such a vulnerable thing and even though she knows you won't laugh it's still something she'd be nervous about. cute baby.
- she takes you on a picnic outside of jackson around that area where the birthday flashback starts. maybe a lil ✨ spice. ✨
- ellie doesn't wear jewelry much but just this once she asks joel to carve you these wooden charms for necklaces. hers is, of course, a moth and yours is a flame. the reasoning behind this is that moths look for light right? a flame is a source of light and you're her light. : )
- yeah that was cheesy i'll get my coat, see y'all lat– wait this is my book nvm.
- ellie! plays! bloodstream! for! you! ( by stateless. )

- oh my god prepare to be pampered. tommy goes all OUT for valentine's day.
- he practically lives in the nearby town during the month of january-february because he's hunting a gift for you. he'll specifically take joel with him on these patrols so no one else can steal his shit before he can find what he's looking for.
- i just think that he would absolutely take you on a picnic. he seems like a picnic guy.
- dancing around the kitchen because he stole big brother's move. but it's funnier with him, he's making jokes and complimenting you the whole time so you keep laughing.
- steals your favorite sweets from the tipsy bison (fuck you, seth) because yolo and you're his best girl.

- this woman will absolutely have a ball on valentine's day. she takes whatever reason she can to worship you.
- lots of dancing. doesn't matter if you're in your home or at a community event, if there's music, you're dancing with her. no exceptions. (negan, hello king is that you?)
- smothers you with kisses and love because you're her "lover girl." she won't refer to you as anything else on this day, i'm sorry i don't make the rules. (i do for this book but teehee.)
- she'll absolutely make you something. dina's a good old arts and crafts gal and we love to see it. she'll embroider your names onto something, she'll make you a collage of photos she's taken of you and her together and so on.
- she's just such a good girlfriend and she takes any opportunity to show it.

- alright so valentine's day is definitely something she's not used to participating in but she'll try for you!
- she finds your favorite things all the time and makes you a cute lil gift box. you love it of course.
- y'all probably watch some stupid romance movie that night while piss drunk making fun of the entire thing. she's like, "there's plenty of fucking room on the DOOOOOR" and you're in tears.
- will use this day as an excuse to worship you. take that as you will. ; )
- mini golf? too soon? damn okay, my bad, i'll head out.
- but wait there's more. just for you she'll leave you these really really dumb heart shaped sticky notes everywhere. they have really dumb quotes written on them from your favorite movies. it's really cute.
- she may hide it but when you make her things it makes her so happy. ever since you found out about the stockings you make her something for each holiday and it always brings the biggest smile to her face. her cheeks turn as red as manny's eye when to–

- the king of valentine's day has arrived and he's taking no prisoners. get ready to feel like royalty that day.
- he's so cheeky that he'll stand outside your door at 7 in the morning shouting the script of romeo and juliet like a MORON. you come outside just as he's shouting – his arms are horribly flailing around, by the way – "where for art thou juliet?"
- anyway jesse is all about spending the day with you. he'll get snacks, a l c o h o l and your favorite movies to watch alllll day. you cuddle on the couch. : )
- i feel like he definitely gets you something you can wear all the time, a locket maybe? with his and your picture inside? ( i would melt. )
- he's all smiley and being a little shit about it but honestly it makes him so happy that you like it.
- lots of kisses and teasing because jesse can't go a day without teasing you. but we love him anyway, yes we do.

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❛ how you guys doing? wearing a mask, staying safe and all that good stuff?

❛ also i'm putting 'after dark' and my leon kennedy SPICE on ao3 for safe keeping since wattpad is deleting explicit content from what i read???

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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