❛ 009 ➣ preference.

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𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: requested: how they take care of you when you're sick.

- he is so fucking good at this because taking care of sarah?? little tommy?? tess?? ellie?? yes.
- if you've got a cold? one famous papa joel soup coming up. (probably one of the only foods he knows how to make LMAODNEND)
- always makes sure you're doing okay and that you have whatever you need to feel better.
- can and will trade half his shit just to get you something you need or want when you're sick.
- "darlin' i brought-
- "joel you traded half the kitchen."
- hello hi yes he does play the guitar for you to cheer you up <3
- obviously he makes sure you don't have to go out on patrol or anything, he'll get someone to cover for you. usually it's jesse because joel thinks he's a good kiddo.
- he's extra attentive on sick days, you can never be too careful in the apocalypse.
- papa joel is best papa, treat him well

- she's probably the one who made you sick ngl.
- "you did this to me. you and your 'it's just one kiss babe!'"
- i have the feeling ellie williams cannot cook to save her life so she pops up at dina's or maria's to get you food.
- she's extra clingy on sick days?? something about it makes her on edge because y'know, what if you missed a scratch or something?
- she'll give you kisses like a dumbass because she's gonna get sick again too now
- extra sweet.
- she refuses to let you do much for yourself when you're sick.
- but also she doesn't want you to feel coddled and will let you do some stuff if you really want to.
- will slaughter a pack of clickers for medicine for you no cap.
- "got the medicine!"
- "you're covered in blood."
- "...i got the medicine babe!"

- okay, tommy is a pro at this.
- i'm just kidding but he does try his best all the time.
- hello hi he cooks for you on sick days, does whatever chores you need to do so you don't feel bad about it.
- medicine? no problem, he'll smack seth and take it
- usually won't give you kisses unless you just absolutely want them because he doesn't wanna get sick too.
- if he has patrol he'll try to find you some of your favorite things to make you feel better.
- lets you sleep all day, but he'll wake you up occasionally for medicine or to eat and drink something.
- stay hydrated kids.
- he'll bust out your favorite movies, even if he doesn't like them personally, just to make you feel better.

- you already know you're in good hands with miss dina.
- she makes you soup or whatever comfort foods she can.
- cuddles!!
- "give me a kiss please."
- she'll smack your hands away gently and shake her head. "i love you but no way am i getting sick."
- unfortunately j.j. can't see you when you're really sick :( little bub needs to develop that immune system more.
- she practically forces you to stay in bed and let her tend to you.
- it makes her feel good to take care of you since you did the same for her when she was pregnant <3
- you'll hear her humming away in the kitchen downstairs and quietly go down to pile up on the couch.
- she comes around the corner with j.j. on her hip and sees you.
- "i thought i told you to stay in bed?"
- "wanted to hear you."
- cuties.

- she absolutely hates when you're sick, she doesn't like seeing you like that.
- but she does her best to take care of you!
- tries remembering the little things her dad would do for sick people at the hospital. y'know she can't exactly ask mel anymore because ellie s-
- can and will throat punch a bloater for medicine.
- she'll lay with you of course, if you want her, but she's mindful not to invade your space.
- soft temple kisses when you're sleeping.
- per abby's request, lev makes you some herbal tea that yara probably taught him to make.
- teases you a lot because you want kisses but she's not about to get sick for it.
- damn abby, give your girlfriend a kiss.
- ANYWAY, she tries her absolute best. always makes sure you're comfortable and not too hot or cold.
- if you're with the fireflies or back at the stadium she makes sure no one disturbs you while you're sick.
- she might throw down with isaac if he says you still have to do assignments.

- he cooks for you, he makes sure you're comfortable, he does whatever you need.
- his mom probably makes you something special to eat or drink <3
- if he has patrol he hates leaving when you're sick, so he'll try to come back early.
- "you sure you'll be okay?"
- he'll kiss your forehead but king ain't getting sick, sorry.
- stays up with you if you're nauseous during the night :(
- if you have a fever rest assured he's keeping a cool washcloth for you at all times.
- he can't pass up the opportunity to tease you though.
- he makes sure you're feeling better asap and does whatever he can to help you feel better.

❛  eh

࿔ rhae. ♡

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