❛ - ➣ jesse.

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jesse catch-up .


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how you met:
- he was on a patrol doin' king shit. NO but seriously he was out on an assignment when he saw you the first time. he wasn't sure how to approach you because you seemed really hostile.
- and you were hostile tbh. who wouldn't be?
- once he finally does figure out a way to calmly introduce himself – and avoid getting shot in the process – he helps you tend to a wound on your hand.
- lots of sarcasm from you and he finds it so funny for some reason. put your fuckin' kunai away jesus christ.
- eventually convinced you to come back to jackson for some "supplies" but you ended up staying later on because jesse and the people (except seth, all my homies hate seth) were so lovely.

how you sleep:
- he snores i guarantee you
- sometimes you'll sleep on his chest <3
- other times he'll lay awake playing with your hair and telling you stupid stories
- sometimes talks in his sleep about stupid shit and it's so funny
- "who's melissa"
- "what?"
- "you said melissa in your sleep"
- melissa was his dog </3
- sometimes he comes in late from patrols and he'll just get into bed so quietly to not disturb you. but he does and you're just like 😐

first time he says i love you:
- honestly imagine this mf not being cheesy about it.
- so he's all like sweet that day, you're on patrol with him for a bit that morning and he's been thinking about it for some time now.
- you're checking out the second floor of a small store and surprise you get attacked by clickers
- so y'know in the middle of it you get tackled down to the floor by a clicker and the floor being old breaks in and you fall.
- he comes rushing down behind you but you kill the clicker first.
- at first he's all like >:o *angry bf noises*
- but then he starts cracking up at how funny your expression is while watching him be an angry bf
- "i guess i really fell for you huh?"
- he turns so fucking red when he says it that you keep calling him a tomato. imagine his relief when you say it back though.

how he reacts to someone insulting you:
- oh man
- jesse doesn't seem like an angry person but let SOMEONE TALK SHIT ABOUT YOU—
- he knows you can handle yourself very well but hey, you're his girlfriend and you deserve the best.
- so he's all casual about it at first, especially in public.
- he'll be like "haha real funny, shut your ass up before i make you."
- but behind closed doors he's like "let me hear you talk about her like that again."
- if they do it won't end well
- he'll be sporting a shiner with pride and the other guy will be sporting a broken arm <3

how he reacts to you getting hurt:
- honestly he probably lectures you at first
- you're like :| the whole time because shit happens
- anyways so what happened was, you got injured on patrol because you volunteered to cover a route you didn't know.
- needless to say you did not know about the unstable support beams in an old checkpoint
- so when you come back to jackson cradling your side he's like "see this is why i didn't want you to cover the route"
- he means well though, just doesn't wanna see you hurt.
- anyways after he's had his lil fit he's taking care of you for the rest of the day. ;))

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❛ this was back when i hit 11k. i still love you guys a ton.

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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