࿔ ellie. ( dreamland. )

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requested by: -svturn-
the reader comes home from a long patrol. there will be a part two of this for the day of adventures and dates! it's actually a big part of the valentine's day imagine coming up so i hope that's alright with you! <3

The gates of Jackson have never been more welcoming than they are now. You've been out for a few days, making a trade route with a smaller community nearby that you often exchange supplies with.

You missed your bed, missed the tiny home you'd practically moved into over months of your relationship with Ellie Williams. Your fingers itched to touch her again, to run your fingers through her hair and over her tattooed skin. It put a little pep in your step at the thought of seeing her again; even when Maria pulled you aside to ask how it went, you couldn't help but hurry the conversation along so you could get home.

Dewy grass crunches and squeaks under the heel of your shoe as you walk down the street, you pass by Joel's home with a wave to the man on his porch. He greets you with his normal wave, beckoning you up to the porch.

"Ellie's out on a hunting assignment right now," he tells you, chuckling at the way you scowl at the street
behind you. Damn those assignments, you just wanted to pile into bed and listen to her ramble about whatever she'd done the days you were away.

"Damn," you tiredly mutter, knowing the doors would be locked to the tiny home and you'd forgotten your key. Instead of traveling during the midday and sleeping through the night you'd opted to start the journey at night and arrive home at the crisp of daylight.

Joel strums a little melody on his guitar, one that you recognize as 'I Can Still Make Cheyenne,' flowing softly around the porch. "You wanna rest on the couch until she gets back?"

Your eyes light up, quickly following the man inside and beelining for his living room while he heads to the kitchen. You collapse onto the cushions with a huff, throwing your arm over your eyes to shield them from the harsh rays of sunlight pouring in from the windows.

From the kitchen you hear Joel call, "you want anything?"

The best thing about having Joel Miller be your girlfriend's (sorta) father, was how he immediately welcomed you as family. He treated you as if you were a second child of his, always welcoming and looking after you.

You almost drift to sleep while trying to think of a reply, you guessed you could eat and it was never an inconvenience. "Sure, yeah, I'm coming." You hesitantly push yourself off the couch, rubbing at your eyes as you go, and enter the kitchen.

You're startled awake by voices occupying the hallway across from the living room, foggy mind clouded with sleep as you try to understand who's speaking. You blink the sleep away from your eyes, stretching an arm over your head before pushing up on your elbows.

"How long has your couch been occupied?" Ellie's voice questions, slight amusement behind the words. She'd gotten back a couple hours prior, surprised to find you not in the little home after Maria informed her of your return. Joel had flagged her down, showing her where you were.

Joel's voice, murmured from the sleep still fogging your mind, seems to stop for a moment, debating. "'Bout three hours, I think."

You push yourself to your feet and rub at your eyes with your hands, much like a child would, before sluggishly joining the two in the hallway. "Are we talking about me?" You tease, yawning as you step into Ellie's outstretched arms.

She rests her chin on the top of your head, letting you rest against her while she talks to Joel. She whispers a quiet, "I missed you," in your ear when he turns towards the stairway.

The two of you leave Joel's home with soft chatter flowing between you, talking about your assignment and her hunting trip as you go. She's eager to brag about her takedown of a large deer, big enough to make a small supply of jerky that she intends to steal half of. It makes you chuckle.

She wants to take you to the dance that night, a community get together but by the tiredness on your face, she knows that's not happening. Instead she leads you to her little home–you're practically moved in at this point–and unlocks the door, pulling you along behind her.

Ellie helps you remove your upper clothes, opting to change into something comfortable while she moves around to collect something from the table.

"Hey, Maria said there's a dance tonight," you tell her, cocking your head to the side when she peers at you from her shoulder. A small smile pulls at her lips, ever since she'd openly let everyone know you were dating it was easier to do things like this with you. You could kiss her, hold her hand, whatever you wanted to do without worrying if you'd embarrassed her. "Do you wanna go? It can be a date, to make up for how long I've been gone?"

Ellie shrugs, removing her jacket and tossing it to the floor of the closet. "You look too tired for a dance, babe." She crosses to sit next to you, tugging her shoes off and letting them thud against the floor.

"Well, maybe," you sheepishly chuckle, continuing your sentence, "but I never say no to dancing with my girlfriend."

Each time you'd called her that Ellie swore her cheeks flickered with heat, ablaze with warmth from your sweet words. "Next time," she promises you while climbing into bed next to you. Her hands trail over your waist, pulling you closer to her, and sighing in content.

"But until then let me enjoy your company."

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❛ how are you all feeling? staying safe out there, wearing a mask and all that good stuff i hope?

❛ speaking of valentine's day the characters that everyone voted for were ellie, dina and abby. if i have the time i'll try one for joel as well because there it was pretty close between him and abby. we'll see!

♡ ⃕ ℛ

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